Chapter 13

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Nina buries her face in Damon's neck as Katherine comes downstairs. "Why isn't she gone?" she moans.

"I don't know," Damon replies and Katherine rolls her eyes Damon's hands move slowly on Nina's bare thoughts as she's in just one of his shirts. "Wanna give her a show?"

Nina leans back and looks at him. She glances over at a careless Katherine and back at Damon. She moves her hand between them and once Damon's dick is spring free, Nina lowers herself on him and Katherine subtly watches, interested in both Nina and Damon, especially right now.

"Come on, wanna join?" Nina asks Katherine and Damon's eyes widen.

Katherine looks at her like a deer caught in headlights. "Yes."

"Come on."

Damon groans when Nina strips the shirt off. He groans again once a now naked Katherine walks over since Elena and Stefan are gone to school.

Nina lays in her mom's at home. Her mom's in an episode and Rose is going to be sure Damon doesn't kill Katherine after Nina's three way with Damon and Katherine. Nina rolls over to look into her mother's eyes and she grabs her hands. She loves her mother more than anything

"Katherine is out of the tomb," Nina says. "When Elijah was daggered, it broke the compulsion. She hasn't tried to hurt me. But then again, Damon is really protective." She sighs. "I have a crush on Elijah but I won't act because I am scared of how the others will react. I don't want them to hate me. So I'll just stick to the usual and have my sexual fun with Damon."

"Don't be scared," Evelyn coos weakly. "I'll support you."

Nina smiles. "Have you been taking your pills?"

Evelyn sighs. "No."

"You should," Nina says. "I'll go grab one."

Nina goes downstairs and she goes upstairs. She has her mom take the pill with a glass of water Nina also got. They then cuddle in the bed.

"Wanna go out, Mom?" Nina asks when Evelyn gets up a few hours later. "There is a live band at the Grill?"

Evelyn smiles softly. She's not all the way over this episode, but she's getting there. "I'd like that, sweetie. I'm gonna shower."

"Let me clear the bathroom our first," Nina says and she goes in.

Evelyn smiles sadly. "I feel like I burden you, Nik," she says, being the only one who calls her that. "You taking care of me when you should be out with your friends or having casual sex with Damon."

"You're not a burden," Nina says. "You're my mom. You are my priority." She exits the bathroom. "I will always put you first. Now go shower. I'll find you something to wear."

Evelyn kisses her daughter on the cheek before entering the bathroom. She leaves the door open as she turns the water on and Nina goes to Evelyn's bedroom.

Rose goes to the Grill after Nina texts her. "Oh, my Evelyn!" She hurries to her.

Evelyn smiles fondly. "Hi, Rosie."

Rose's gut flutters at the nickname. "Nina got you out of the house,"she notes. "Thank God."

Nina walks over to Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline when Rose drags  Evelyn off.

"Hey, guys," Nina greets as Matt totally ignores Caroline.

"Hey!" Bonnie gives the siphon a hug and pulls away. "Evelyn looks great,"

"She decided to stop taking her antidepressants," Nina says. "I gave her one. She started coming out of it."

"That's great news," Caroline gushes.

"Now, more about Matt..."

"He said the ball's in your court," Bonnie says.

"Yeah, but I can't do anything about it," Caroline says.

"Why not?" Bonnie asks. "All you do is talk about how much you care about him."

"Yeah," Caroline mumbles, "but I am still keeping so many secrets."

"Alaric's in the same boat with Jenna and maybe that's our mistake," Elena says. "We're trying to protect the people that we love by keeping them out of it, but in the end, we're hurting them anyway."

And that is why Nina is glad that she and her mom are supernatural beings and already know, the same with Nina's dad and his side of the family.

When the song playing ends, Caroline discards her jacket and she thrusts it into Nina's arms.

"What are you doing?" Elena asks and Caroline walks away. "Where are you going?"

Caroline walks onto the stage and she gets an applause for the live band before she sings. She starts to sing Eternal flame as Jenna, Rose, and Evelyn rejoin the teenagers.

"She's good!" Jenna yells.

"Very good!" Nina agrees as she leans into her mom's arm.

Matt walks onto the stage when the sing ends. He bends Caroline down and he presses his lips against her. Everyone screams and laughs and cheers.

Nina sighs as she looks at her cut up face. Jonas Martin lost it and went crazy on the Grill full of people because his son, Luka, is dead. Damon walks up behind her and he bites his wrist. Nina lets him put his bloody wrist in his mouth. He closes his eyes as she drinks.

"Thank you," Nina says when she stops.

"Anytime." Damon kisses the top of her head. "Rose is healing your mom. You're staying with me tonight. I've missed your body."

Nina smiles and she turns to kiss Damon. He rushes them to his bed.

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