Chapter 3

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"How's Evelyn?" Damon asks as soon as Nina leaves his bathroom, naked.

Nina's no virgin. She lost her virginity when she was fourteen,but she started having casual sex with Damon when he discovered that Katherine was never in the tomb.

"She says hi," Nina says. She and Evelyn spoke on the phone when Nina got out of Damon's shower.

Damon rushes over to Nina and he runs a finger gently down the middle of her chest, down the valley between her small breasts. He kisses her head and Nina releases a sigh.

"Get dressed," Damon says. "I love seeing you naked, but they picnic thing is today and you signed up."

"My mom needs a ride," Nina says as she starts to pack.

"We'll pick her up on the way," Damon says as he, too, gets dressed.

Evelyn laughs as her daughter shoves Damon.

"Hey!" Damon gasps and Nina giggles.

"Come on, baby, let's go see where Carol wants us," Evelyn coos. "Don't kill anyone, Damon, not here. It's too public."

"Yes, ma'am," Damon replies cockily. He kisses both Lockwood's on their cheeks before he walks over to where Stefan and Mason are.

"Please tell me the sex is better than his game," Evelyn says and Damon stops to glare over his shoulder at the two.

"Oh, for sure," Nina says. "Best sex I've ever had so far."

Evelyn hums knowingly and Damon smirks and continues his own journey.

Evelyn and Nina are helping grill some hotdogs and hamburgers so that the other volunteers can eat. Evelyn's episode went away slowly yesterday and she was ready to leave the house today.

Liz Forbes watches them for a bit, happy to see Evelyn out and about with Nina. Liz turns back to Damon and Stefan as Damon grabs some lemonade from the table a little girl is at and when he drinks it, he chokes on the vervain inside.

"Don't." Evelyn grabs her daughter's arm as she goes to run. "Get to the boarding house and make sure Damon has blood when they're done. I have to go deal with my stupid brother."

Nina leaves. She gets into Damon's car and she drives to the boarding house. She goes down to the basement and grabs three blood bags from the freezer. She brings them upstairs and to Damon's bedroom. She takes off her clothes and climbs into Damon's bed.

Damon enters his room after putting Liz in the cellar and he sees a very named Nina sleeping beside some blood bags. He pulls the blanket over her and he goes downstairs.

"Your daughter stole my bed," he says to Evelyn. "You can pick a room, Ev, stay here near her."

"Thank you, Damon," Evelyn says gently and she goes upstairs.

Damon drinks and he finishes off the blood before he goes down to see Liz and then he goes to lay with Nina for a while.

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