Chapter 2

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Evelyn went into an episode the next day. Nina exhales softly as she watches her mom lay in bed, awake but sad. Nina goes to the living room downstairs when she hears the door open and shut, she finds Mason. He has a key because of Evelyn's episodes.

"She's in an episode," Nina says to her uncle.

"I'll go check pm berm" Mason says. "I'll bring you some food from Jenna's barbecue later so you can eat."

"Thanks, Uncle Mason," Nina says. She and Mason haven't really ever been close, but he is her uncle. Her family. Her mother's brother. "She's in her room."

Mason gives his niece a tender smile before he heads up. Nina drops onto the couch and she calls Damon.

"Hey, you," Damon greets. "You coming to Jenna's barbecue?" He steps outside the Grill with the apple pie he just got.

"Can't," Nina says. "My mom's having an episode."

"Damn," Damon responds as Elena leaves the Grill. "Send Evelyn my love, Nina. I'll stop by soon to visit her."

"I will, Damon, thanks," Nina says and she hangs up as Mason comes down. "Is she still just lying there?"

"She's asleep now," Mason replies softly. "Did she tell you how to trigger the curse?"

"She told me everything," Nina replies. "But don't worry, Mason, I'll be careful." She watches as he goes to leave. "Wait... do vampires count? Since they're already dead?"

Mason frowns as he looks at her. "That's a good question," he says. "Just in case..."

"Be extra careful?" Nina asks and Mason nods. "I will. Thanks for coming by."

"I'll bring you food," Mason says before he leaves.

Nina goes upstairs and she lays in the bed beside her mother.

"You can go out, baby," Evelyn croaks as she lays in her bed later. "I'm ok."

"No, you're not, Mom," Nina corrects. "I'm not leaving you alone. Uncle Mason said he'd bring me some food from the barbecue. You're more important than my social life, Mom. I love you."

Evelyn tears up. "Why? I'm not worthy of your love, Nina," she rasps.

"Yes, you are, Mom!" Nina delicately grabs her mom's face with her hands as the front door opens and closes. "You're worthy of all the love in the world."

"She's right."

"Hey, brother," Evelyn rasps.

"You look like shit," Mason comments and Evelyn rolls her eyes. "I brought you some food, too. Nina, go eat. I'll take care of your mom."

"Are you sure?"

Mason gives her a warm smile. "I'm positive. Go eat, I've got my sister." Mason walks over to the bed once Nina goes downstairs. "She's a very beautiful girl, Eve, she looks just like you."

"You think so?" Evelyn's face is full of despair and vulnerability, things Mason saw a lot in her when he'd visit during her episodes every time he comes to Mystic Falls or video calls her or Nina to talk to her.

"I know so," Mason says. "Her willingness to take care of you says a hell of a lot. You raised a great daughter, Evelyn."

Evelyn actually smiles a little. "I did, didn't I?" She grabs the chicken and she rips off a small piece. "I miss Richard. He was a dick, but..."

"Still our older brother, I know," Mason says. "I miss the asshole, too."

Meanwhile downstairs, Nina is eating and she's worrying about her mother and her mother's future.

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