Chapter 8

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As it turns out, the man who killed Elena is an 'Original', or whatever that means. He didn't die when Stefan staked him, which weirds Nina out, but now, the group has the moonstone, Stefan is trapped inside the tomb with Katherine, and Elena is trapped in her house.

"Can't you siphon the barrier?" Elena asks her siphon friend.

"I can," Nina replies, "but I won't. I'm not letting you martyr yourself, Elena."

Elena falls back onto her bed, annoyed.

"Wanna go get some food from the kitchen?" Nina asks. "I'm starved."

"Yes, please," Elena replies.

They go downstairs and they find Jenna digging around in the closet below the stairs.

"Hey, Jenna, what are you doing?" Nina asks.

"Oh, girls, perfect timing," Jenna says. She puts one box in Elena's arms and the other in Nina's.

"What is this stud?" Elena asks.

"Your mom's files from the Historical Society," Jenna says.

Evelyn is also on the Historical Security, and the secret council.

The girls put the boxes on the coffee table and return to Jenna.

"I got roped into helping Mrs. Lockwood," Jenna says, "and by roped, I mean very happy to participate." She closes the door.

A man stands there in a suit and chestnut brown hair, dark eyes, a vibe that sends chills through Nina. Hearing Elena's gasp, Nina assumes this is a vampire.

"Hey," the man greets, his voice warm and calm, making Nina clench her thighs tightly together, "I'm Elijah."

"This is my niece, Elena, and my bed friend's daughter, Nina," Jenna says.

Nina then mentally winces after smiling at Elijah. This is the Elijah that Elena was kidnapped by Arose and a now dead Trevor for.

"Elijah's in town doing research on Mystic Falls," Jenna says.

Elijah steps forward. He shakes Elena's hand first and then Nina's. Her breath catches as her stomach drops when his soft hand takes hers. Elena notices her reaction and she mentally smirks. Elijah's Kip quirks up into a subtle smirk at Nina's reaction as he steps back.

"It's a pleasure," Elijah says calmly.

Elena is nervous and Nina is... she's unsure on how she should feel. She could easily take him down by siphoning his magic from his vampirism and using some vampire spells but she won't. She doesn't trust herself because she hasn't been able to actually practice magic.

"Hey, Jenna, I'm going to go check on my mom," Nina says.

"Okay." Jenna smiles. "I have to... uh, excuse me."

"Nina, please siphon the barrier," Elena whispers as Elijah watches them.

"I'm sorry, Elena, but I won't let you sacrifice yourself," Nina says strongly. She glances at Elijah and back and back to him. "Can I trust you with her?"

"Yes, you can," Elijah replies. "I only wish for a word."

"I'll be ok, Nina," Elena says. "You go see your mom."

Nina looks to Elijah, unsure. She suddenly grabs his hand and she siphons from him. Elijah winces slightly but doesn't react violently.


Nina releases Elijah and she mutters a spell. "That'll make sure you're protected for the next 24-hours, against any supernatural being," she says. "My family has some intense and very... direct spells. And I have faith that'll work." She smiles innocently at Elijah before leaving.

"She is powerful," Elijah comments as he rubs his hand. "Siphons aren't usually so well... trained, taught. I can only imagine her power with an endless source."


"Magic infused necklace or vampirism," Elijah says and Elena gasps. Elijah smiles fondly as Jenna comes back downstairs from the bathroom.

"Elijah's the good one," Evelyn says to her daughter after Nina tells her she met Elijah. "He can be more dangerous than the others because he's unpredictable, but... he's moral. He's different than the other Original vampires."

Nina got food for her and her mother from the Grill so that they could eat together.

"He's in town? Elijah?" Evelyn asks.

"Yes, he is," Nina replies. "Can I go to Damon's?"

"Can I come?" Evelyn whispers. "I feel an episode coming."

Nina nods. She grabs her mom's things and they go to her car. Nina drives them to the empty boarding house and she sees Rose in there. Evelyn fell into her episode in the car, so Nina's all-but dragging Evelyn inside.

"Can you help me bring my mom to a room?" Nina asks. "She has bipolar depression and the episodes are real bad. Damon's room will work."

Rose jumps up and she picks Evelyn up. "Damon's room?"

"He has the softest mattress, and no sharp items," Nina says and she leads the way. "Thank you, Rose."

"Of course," the vampire replies. "I'm sorry for taking Elena. I betrayed Elijah and Klaus centuries ago, and I was in the run ever since. I just wanted free."

"I understand," Nina says, "but it's not me you should apologize to." Nina goes over and she tucks her mother in. "Want some water, Mom?"

"Hold me?"

"I'll grab her some water," Rose promises and she leaves.

Nina gets into Damon's bed and she holds her. "Don't worry, Mom. Damon changes his bedspread and has them dry cleaned in Richmond every morning at four."

Evelyn sniffles but otherwise, no reaction. Nina sends Elena a text and soon, she's being video called. Elena's in her room with Elijah currently.

"Evelyn?" Elena coos. "Hey, Mama E."

Evelyn doesn't let on that she hears Elena, she doesn't react. Elena doesn't take that to heart because she's come to know how Evelyn's episodes are.

"I'm learning a new cupcake recipe that includes a lot of chocolate," Elena continues. "When this episode passes, I'll make some for you and try not to burn them. You're gonna be okay, Evelyn. I love you."

"Thanks you, Elena," Nina says as her face appears on the screen day. "I'll talk to you soon."

"I love you, Nikolina," Elena says.

"I love you, Elena," Nina says and she hands up. She drops her phone and she takes the water from Rose. She makes her mom take a sip. "Rose, can you call Damon? Tell him that Evelyn Lockwood is having an episode in his bed, he'll understand."

Rose nods and she leaves the room. Nina kisses Evelyn on her head,

"I love you, Mom," Nina murmurs. "I'm right here."

"What happened?" Nina asks as Damon enters the room.

"A werewolf bit Rose," Damon says as he walks over to check on Evelyn. "I was the target, Rose saved me." He looks at Evelyn. "Hey, Ev." He reaches and grabs Nina's hand and she exhales shakily. "You can go downstairs and fix yourself some food. I've got her for a while."

Nina kisses Damon on his cheek and she leaves the room. Damon lays back and he rolls over to look into Evelyn's face.

"You're going to be okay, Evelyn," Damon says as he also listens to Rose and Nina downstairs. "Nina is okay, too."

Damon grabs his friend's hand and she cries softly. 

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