Chapter 17

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For the rest of the summer, Damon taught Nina how to be a vampire. How to control her hunger, how to fight if she needs it, he teaches her the things Katherine never taught him and Stefan. Nina is at the high school now. She graduated early but she's still helping set up for Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie's senior prank night, all while Damon is off with Katherine.

Nina is filling the teacher's lounge with cats that she compelled at an animal shelter. Compulsion is something Nina doesn't really enjoy, but she'll use it.

Nina wanders to the gym when she hears voices. Klaus, Elena, Stefan. She sees Klaus getting Stefan to kill to humans.

"I'm sorry."

Nina rushes in and she kills Dana first and Klaus's jaw clenches as she moves to also drain Chad. As soon as he falls, the pain hits. It was there after Dana but....


Klaus watches with intrigue as Nina's eyes turn bright werewolf yellow as she screams.

"She's a Lockwood," Elena says with a grunt, "and she was a siphon from the Gemini coven."

"She's all three now," Klaus whispers. "A vampire, a werewolf, a witch. She triggered her curse to stop Stefan from killing the humans." He walks over and kneels before Nina, she growls at him, her hybrid eyes out. "I like this look on you, love," he says. He runs a finger down her face. "Pretty little thing." Klaus is suddenly thrown across the room with her magic and he dusts himself off. "Okay then. You're going to be a problem."

Nina closes her eyes and she regains control before opening her eyes. "I won't... as long as you don't touch Elena. I wouldn't make an enemy out of me. Elijah always told me I'd be extremely powerful as soon as I had an endless source, and now I have two."

Klaus watches as she walks over to sit beside Elena, her green eyes never leaving him. The Hybrid can't help but smirk at the new challenge that he's going to have so much fun with.

Nina throws a hand up and Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah's sister, screams. Nina is protecting Elena.

"It's okay, live," Klaus mewls, "she won't touch her again."

Nina narrows her eyes at the blonde.

"Please!" Rebekah pleads and she exhales in relief when the spell ends.

"Where's the necklace, sweetheart?" Klaus asks Elena once Rebekah is no longer screaming. "Be honest."

"I'm telling the truth," Elena says. "Katherine stole it."

"Katerina. Of course," Klaus mutters. How annoying Katherine is! "Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace, it would make things a whole lot for your Bennett witch, but since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?" He goes over to the gym clock and he puts up a twenty minute Rome line. He goes over to Nina and he snaps her neck. "As much as the challenge of you thrills me, I can't have you getting in my way, love." He then goes to compel Stefan.

Nina growls when an emotionless Stefan enters the house and she snaps his neck with her magic. Elena cries into Nina's arms when Stefan goes upstairs.

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