Chapter 1

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While sitting on the couch at the Salvatore boarding house, Nina brushes out her very long brown hair. They're wanting to find information out about some Lockwood secret and Nina is here because she wants to know, too... Evelyn won't open up and tell her whenever she asks.

The door opens and soon, Alaric Saltzman enters the library. Damon Salvatore stands up and leaves Nina's side. He rounds the couch and goes to the cart with alcohol on it.

"Thanks for coming, Ric," Damon says. "Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, bourbon? Bourbon in your coffee?"

"Elena mentioned you needed my help," Alaric says easily.

"Yeah," Nina speaks up, "we were hoping that you could he,o she'd some light on my family, the Lockwood's. My mom changes the subject every time I try asking her."

("Mase, I think Nina's going to find out," Evelyn says to her brother as she leads him outside, she's going to show him the secret slave chambers here on the Lockwood property."

"Why are you hiding it from her?" Mason asks. "She knows she's a siphon, why not about the Lockwood curse?"

"I don't want to scare her," Evelyn says. "I might not have triggered my curse, but I do still feel the anger. I blame it on my bipolar disorder."

Mason touches his big sister's face. "The bipolar depression came from losing Jacob."

Jacob Allen Lockwood is what Evelyn named her stillborn son.

Evelyn hugs Mason.)

"Now, why would I know anything about your family?" Alaric asks.

"You wouldn't," Damon chimes in as he drops a bottle of Gatorade onto Nina's lap. "But your dead, not-dead vampire wife might."

"Isobel's research from when you guys were at Duke together," Elena Gilbert says.

'You said she had silent years researching this town," Stefan adds.

"Isobel's research here in Mystic Falls rooted in folklore and legends," Alaric says. "At the time, I thought most of it was fiction."

"Like that amazing vampire story," Damon says cockily, smirking.

"Besides vampires and vampires, what else?" Elena asks. She knows Isobel researched witches, too.

"The lycanthrope," Alaric replies and Nina lifts her head from her lap an looks at the teacher.

"Werewolves?" Nina gasps.

"No way," Damon says quickly, turning that idea down rapidly, "impossible, way too Lon Chaney."

"Is it?" Stefan asks his brother.

"I've been on this planet for one hundred and sixty some odd years, never came across one," Damon says. "If werewolves exist, where the hell are they?"

(Evelyn and Mason continue their journey into the woods. Mason asked her where they were, so she's showing him. She was raised in this very property and she was always hiding here. Their dad, Henry Lockwood, would always find her here.

Tyler follows the two and he sees Evelyn leading Mason down some brick steps leading up the ruins.)

"Why do you suspect your family, Nina?" Alaric asks.

"Because the Gilbert device affected me, my uncle Richard, and Tyler," Nina says. She was in the basement because they thought she was a vampire. She watches her uncle die because of a tomb vampire, her life was saved by Stefan and Damon. "Vervain doesn't affect us. We're not vampires. I know I, a siphon witch, but I'm not a vampire. We're something else. I'm something else."

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