Chapter 4

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Nina moans as Damon thrusts in and out of her in a steady pace. He can't go at full capacity with her because she's technically human without siphoned magic and she hasn't triggered her werewolf curse.

They're at her house. Evelyn is with Carol running some errands and Elena is at the boarding house with Stefan, so Nina had Damon come here. She knows full well of Damon's feelings for Elena. She was first letting Damon use her to forget about Katherine, now she's letting Damon use her to distract himself from Elena.

"Damon..." Nina gasps as she feels her lower gut tighten. "Damon, I'm close."

"Anche io," Damon grunts in Italian, saying 'so am I'.

As soon as Damon speaks Italian, it's all over. He chuckles as Nina squeaks as she releases all around him.

"Sapevo che l'avrebbe fatto," he muses.
(I knew that'd do it).

"Shut up," Nina scolds lightly, understanding every word he said. He's been teaching her Italian.

Damon laughs but soon groans as he buries himself deeper and releases, glad that vampires can't procreate. He's scared to be a father because of how his own father was. He's scared he'll end up like Giuseppe Salvatore, a bitter and abusive father and husband.

"Come over to my house?" Damon offers.

"Yeah... my mom's busy with Mayor Lockwood," Nina says. "Let me get a shower in first." She pecks Damon on his lips before she goes to the bathroom.

Damon collapses onto the bed. He feels guilty for using Nina, but it does make him feel better than she knows and is letting him do so.

"Don't drink it all," Damon says to Nina as she grabs the bottle of bourbon and she goes up to his room. He goes to open the door someone knocked on. He rolls his eyes when he sees Jeremy Gilbert.

"I need to talk to you," Jeremy declares.

"And why do I need to talk to you?" Damon asks. He goes to close the door but Jeremy pushes it back open.

"Tyler and Nina Lockwood have to kill someone to activate their curses," Jeremy says. "They're not werewolves yet."

"I know," Damon says cockily. "I'm hooking up with Nina." He smirks as Jeremy grows kind of jealous. "And that's not enough." He goes to close the door again and Jeremy, once more, stops it and pushes the door open.

"But mason Lockwood is and he's looking for a moonstone," Jeremy says. He's done went to Evelyn and she sent him to Damon, because Evelyn isn't a werewolf yet either, and she knows Damon will protect the town while she's helping Carol our. "It's a special rock connected to the werewolf legend. He's not here for the funeral or to see Evelyn and Nina, he's here for the moonstone."

"A moonstone?" Damon frowns.

"Yeah," Jeremy confirms. "And I know where it is."

"And you're bringing me this why?" Damon asks. He's annoyed by this kid, but he's impressed by his confidence. He reminds Damon of a version of him he'd often dream about as a human when his father was bad, which is a dream a teenage Damon had all the damn time.

"Do I need a reason?" Jeremy asks. "Look, I just want to help, okay? I went to Evelyn but she sent me here. Mayor Lockwood doesn't know about the Lockwood curse."

Damon looks up when he hears something fall upstairs.

"SORRY! THAT WAS STEFAN'S BOOKS!" Nina yells out and Damon chuckles a little. She's snooping.

Damon turns back to a jealous Jeremy. Jeremy has a thing for Nina and Damon can't blame him. The green-eyed girl upstairs is absolutely beautiful.

"What does your sister have to say about this little discovery?" Damon asks and he gets his answer when the youngest Gilbert stays quiet. "Oh, you haven't told her, have you?"

"Elena doesn't want me getting involved in all this," Jeremy claims. He tries to enter the house but Damon pushes him out.

"And you're a Gilbert and you just couldn't help yourself," Damon comments. "Wow. Your search for life's purpose is as obvious as it is tragic."

"You going to let me in or not?" Jeremy asks bluntly. 

Damon hesitates before stepping aside and letting the boy enter.

There are people at the Lockwood Manor setting up for the upcoming Masquerade Ball. Evelyn and Carol are talking with Jenna.

"Jenna, thanks for helping wrangle the volunteers," Carol says.

Evelyn helped by getting masks for those who can't buy them and buying the decorations that aren't already here.

"Of course; it's for a good cause," Jenna says. "Plus, I have always been a sucker for the Masquerade Ball."

"So was my brother," Evelyn says. "This was Richard's favorite party of the year."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" Matt Donovan grunts as he and Tyler carry a table into the room and almost drop it.

"Boys!" Carol exclaims as she looks over at them. "Be careful with that!" She turns to Jenna. "Excuse me. Tyler!" She goes after her son.

"Where's Nina?" Jenna asks.

"With her lover," Evelyn muses. "They're basically best friends who have casual sex." She sighs dreamily. "My friend like that became my fiancée and the father of my daughter. He's missing now."

"I'm sorry," Jenna says softly. "When did he disappear?"

"May, 1994," Evelyn says. "Nina was over a month away from turning two when he disappeared."

"She never knew her father?"

"Not physically," Evelyn admits. "I never let her forget who he is. She knows his name and what he looks like."

"That's good," Jenna says. "Let's go check on the volunteers before Carol looses it."

Evelyn chuckles and she agrees as the two start to walk. Jenna joins Stefan at the masks and Evelyn finds some football players carrying chairs.

Nina is sprawled across the couch while she waits for Alaric with Damon and Jeremy.

"Nina, Alaric's here," Damon says. "Go open the door please."

Nina rolls off the couch and she walks down the hallway. Damon watches as Jeremy watches her. He smirks and soon, Nina leads Alaric's in, the man carrying a box of Isobel's research. Alaric hands Nina the book about that Gemini coven spells, it's a book Vanessa found hidden in a dark corner in Isobel's office and sent it to Ric.

"Ooh, thanks!" Nina hugs Ric when he puts the box down and she goes upstairs.

Jeremy follows her when Jeremy tells him to go and he finds Nina in Stefan's room, sitting at the table. "Can I join you?"

Nina lifts her head and she smiles. "Come check this out! This is written in Archaic Latin. That's a dead language, Jere, isn't this freaking awesome?"

Jeremy walks over and he looks at the spell book. "Very awesome," he says.

Nina's smile brightens up a room, anyone can say that. They look over the spells in silence.

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