Chapter 9

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"Hey, where is she?" Nina asks as she enters the boarding house the next night while Carol goes to sit with Evelyn, who's still having an episode. 

"Nina," Damon sighs. "You shouldn't be here."

"Where is she?" Nina demands again. "I might be able to save her."

"Elena put her in my room," Damon says. He leads Nina upstairs and she goes to the bed.

"Hi, Rose," the Siphon greets.

"Hi," Rose rasps.

"Can you sit up for me?" Nina asks softly.

Rose does as she's told. Nina lowers the robe she's wearing and she lays her hand over the bite. Rose winces (harsher than Elijah did) as Nina starts to siphon the werewolf bite. Damon watches as Rose actually starts to get her color back. His blue eyes widen in utter awe as he watches Nina does her thing.

Damon looks over when someone walks up beside him and he sees Elena. Her eyes are trained on Nina and Rose, she hasn't looked at him yet. Damon shrugs and he turns back to the scene.

Nina pulls her hand back and the bite is healed. "How do you fe- oomph!" She grunts when Rose hugs her in vampire speed. "I take it this is a good thing?"

"The best." Rose pulls away and she grabs the siphon's face. "You saved my life, Nina, I am forever in your debt."

"I can make you a daylight ring with the magic I siphoned," Nina says. "Damon, go grab that ring my mom left here. It has a sapphire gem, but it'll work."

Damon nods and disappears.

"Will you stay in Mystic Falls?" Elena asks Rose.

"I want to," Rose admits.

Nina walks over to Damon and the ring to perform the spell before the magic drains out.

"If that's okay with you, Elena," Rose adds as she finally looks at the doppelgänger. "I know I did you wrong when I tried handing you over to Elijah and then ran before he could kill me like he did Trevor. I only wanted to be free."

"I understand, and I forgive you," Elena says and Rose's demeanor softens immensely. "You can stay if you want to, Rose."

Rose walks over and she gives her a hug. "Thank you."

"Here you go," Nina says. She hands Rose the ring upon walking over.

Nina waves her hand and opens the curtains once the ring is on. Rose inhales deeply when the sun shines on her and she doesn't burn.

"Holy crap!" Rose laughs. "Oh, my God! It's been over five-hundred years since I've felt the sun." She hugs Nina again, the girl giggling and hugging the vampire back. "Thank you so much," she gushes emotionally.

Damon cracks a small grin, as does Elena, as they watch Rose thank Nina consistently.

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