Chapter 6

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"That's a beautiful dress," Evelyn says from the door of her daughter's room. "Is Damon picking you up?"

"Damon and Stefan," Nina replies happily. "I have two dates this evening, Mom."

Evelyn cackles. "Of course you do, you're a beautiful girl," she says. "8 got some new skin moisturizer in the bathroom, my love."

"Hey, Mom, I love you."

Evelyn walks over and she kisses Nina on the cheek. "I love you," she says and she leaves the room.

Nina goes to the bathroom. She takes a shower and shaves everything and once she's out, she starts applying the Apple Cinnamon scented moisturizer on her body. Nina goes to her room in a robe and she sits at the vanity and she does her makeup and she curls her long, naturally wavy brown hair to be getting ready for the ball.

"Wow!" Stefan smiles when Nina comes downstairs, fully dressed

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"Wow!" Stefan smiles when Nina comes downstairs, fully dressed. "You look beautiful, Nina."

"Absolutely beautiful," Damon adds.

Evelyn is dressed and smiling. She's going by herself because she promised Carol she'd be there. She takes a picture of the trio and they leave.

"You really do look beautiful, Nina," Damon says to his friend.

"Thank you, Damon," Nina says.

She puts her mask on as Damon pulls up to her Aunt and cousin's Manor. Damon offers her his hand once he's parked and out of the car. Nina smiles and she slides her hand into his and gets out. She hooks her arms with both Damon and Stefan's before they head for the backyard,

Katherine Pierce notices the beauty in between Damon and Stefan. She knows that she's a Lockwood, but she's not the Lockwood she's after. She won't have a possible triple threat. Hybrids are one thing, but if she becomes a wolf and is later turned, she's screwed, so Tyler is the Lockwood that Katherine will trigger tonight.

"She's the Siphon," Lucy says as she walks up to Katherine's side. "Malakai Parker and Evelyn Lockwood's daughter."

"I know," Katherine says. "She's not my target tonight... or ever. Things would get too dangerous and complicated with her."

Lucy merely hums and she walks away.

"Actually," Nina approaches Stefan and Katherine, "he owes me a dance right now. Can he dance with you the next one?"

Katherine puts on a fake smile. "Of course," she replies.

Stefan wraps his arms around Nina's waist and her arms go around his neck. Damon smirks smugly at the fact Nina stole Stefan from Katherine because Katherine's pouting.

"Thank you," Stefan says to her with a breathless laugh. "You smell good. Is that Apple Cinnamon?"

"My mom for a new skin moisturizer," Nina says. "She's here somewhere."

"I think I saw her earlier," Stefan admits. "She looks beautiful in red, just like you do in black."

"Stefan, stop, you're making me blush," Nina scolds.

Stefan chuckles. "Then my job is complete," he jokes. "I'm glad you're my best friend. I miss Lexi like hell. You remind me so much of her."

"I'm glad I'm your best friend, too," Nina says. "I don't want to replace Lexi."

"You're not; no one can replace her," Stefan says. "But I think of you what I thought of her."

"You're not worried about them, are you?" Damon mocks Katherine as she joins his side.

"No," Katherine replies. "Nina isn't the one Stefan is in love with besides myself. Besides, he just told her he thinks of her what he thought of Alexia Branson."

Damon sighs at the mention of Lexi. He does regret killing her. He says nothing more.

"Thank you for the dance, Stefan," Nina say when the sing is over.

"No, thank you, Nina," Stefan says.

"My turn," Katherine purrs as she walks over when another slow song comes on.

Damon whisks Nina away this time and he pulls her close to him. Nina hums at the feeling of their bodies touching as they dance.

"Damon and Nina are cute together," Carol says as she walks up to Evelyn's side outside

Evelyn is watching her daughter and Damon dance while sipping on some club soda. She wishes she could have alcohol with her newest antidepressant but she doesn't want to risk leaving her only girl too soon.

"I know it's just sex, but I know he cares about my daughter," Evelyn says. "That's all I want for her; for her to be happy."

"I can understand that," Carol says. "She's sweet. I've met her when she hangs out with Tyler."

Evelyn smiles. It falls when she watches as Katherine kills Aimee Bradley once Carol is done. Nina hurries over to her mom when Damon goes to Stefan and the body.

"Nina," Katherine walks up and Evelyn tenses, "want to dance with me, красив?"

Nina accepts. If it keeps Katherine from killing any more people, she'll do it. She and Katherine go to the dance floor and they dance to a slow song and then a fast one when one plays before Katherine walks away.

Nina shrugs and she goes to her mom. Evelyn grabs her hand and they smile at each other.

Evelyn goes to Nina's room that night and she sees Damon passed out, shirtless, snoring. Eve goes and lays on Nina's other side.

An hour later, Damon wakes up because he wants a blood bag Evelyn keeps for him. He sees Evelyn and Nina cuddling. He goes and gets blood. He drinks it before rejoining bath Lockwood's.

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