Chapter 10

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Nina watches as her mom and Rose flirt. She learned that Rose is into women, too, and she liked Evelyn as soon as they met. Nina is glad. If her mom likes Rose and dates her, she won't have to worry about her being alone. She didn't anyway, she's usually with her when Evelyn's having an episode.

Nina leaves the house and she goes to the boarding house. She sees Damon in a towel and he smirks at her. He rushes over and he kisses Nina. He lifts her up, her legs wrap around his waist and he sits her on the dresser, his lips kissing down her neck and back up to reconnect with her lips as he takes her clothes off.

"Damon..." Nina moans. "I want to have sex in the floor... Scopami come una puttana sul pavimento, amore mio," she mewls. (she's saying my lover, not my love)

Damon growls as she uses Italian and he obliges. He gets her to the floor where he does her like a whore, which she seems to like.

"I am eternally in your daughter's debt," Rose coos as she holds Evelyn after they hookup. "She saved my life."

"She mentioned you being bitten by a werewolf," Evelyn says. "Did she siphon it?"

"She did," Rose replies as she gently moves her finger over Evelyn's arm, giving the human with an untriggered werewolf curse goosebumps. "And thanks to her and her saving my life, I met the most beautiful woman I've ever met."

Evelyn blushes and she looks at Rose. "You're being cheesy," she says.

"Maybe," Rose shrugs, "so what? Do you not like it?"

"No, I do," Evelyn says. "Want to take a walk today? Enjoy the sun?"

Rose looks at her new daylight ring. Another reason she's eternally in Nina's debt, she gave her chance to feel the sun without it hurting for the first time in over five centuries.

"Yeah, let's take a walk," Rose agrees and they reluctantly get out of bed,

Damon and Nina are in Stefan's room, Nina only in one of Damon's shirt. Rose and Evelyn are here, too. Stefan was looking for Elena's birth mother, Isobel, but he found John Gilbert, Elena's adoptive uncle and biological father, instead.

"You brought back John Gilbert?" Damon asks and Evelyn makes a face at the name. "That's your big 'Save Elena' move?"

"I went to go look for Isobel, I got John instead," Stefan says. "He said he can help us, and we're desperate."

"We're not desperate!" Damon exclaims. "He tried to barbecue Nina! I don't care about myself, but she was in that burning basement!"

"Damon, Bonnie's new witch friend is working with Elijah," Stefan says, "so we have to assume the moonstone was never destroyed. Elena is putting all of her faith into her deal that she made with Elijah to keep everyone safe. I mean, do you trust Elijah?"

"I do," Evelyn says, "but I get why you don't. I've met the guy."

"You're right, I don't," Stefan says. "He's an Original, how do I know he can be trusted? And it's not like we can go up and kill his, because apparently, he can't die!"

"I'm still waiting for the part where John Gilbert is the answer," Damon says bitterly as he rests an arm around Nina's shoulders.

"Hey Nina, if you're wanting to graduate early, we have to go so we're not late for your testing out tests," Evelyn says to her daughter after checking her  phone for the time. "Wanna come, Rose?"

"I want to help the guys out for a bit," Rose says. "If I can, I'll go to her graduation ceremony."

"That'd be great," Nina says before she goes to change in Damon's room.

Evelyn and Nina go to the Grill after Nina gets her test results. Nina skips over to Damon and John goes silent as Damon peers at her.

"I passed," Nina says. "I'm graduating early."

Damon smiles. "Oh, that's great!" He tightens his arm around her. "When do you graduate?"

"I'm a few days," Nina says. "Rose is going... will you?"

"Of course," Damon replies. "You know John Gilbert."

"I do." Nina smiles phonily at John. "Hi again, John,"

"Hey, Nina," John greets. "How's your mom?"

"She's fine," Evelyn says as she walks over. "Hey, I ordered us one takeout. We'll head home to celebrate when it's done."

"Okay, Mom," Nina says.

Evelyn gives John a distasteful look. "I won't ever forgive you for trying to fry my little girl," she snarls and John gulps guiltily.

"I understand," John says.

Evelyn nods shortly and she walks away.

"Your mom's scary," John says to Nina.

Nina laughs. "I know," she says. "I can be, too." She pecks Damon on his cheek with her full lips and she rejoins her mother and Rose.

After Jenna introduces Damon to Andie Star and after he talks to Elena, he leaves the Grill and goes to Nina's. He steals Rose and they to to save Caroline from some werewolves and he goes to Nina's bed and he lays with her, not thinking twice about Andie. His lover is just enough for him.

Nina wraps her arms around Damon. "Wanna make out?"

Damon nods and he kisses her. The girl hums as she kisses back immediately. Damon is very glad he didn't call Andie, he'd be missing out on miss Nikolina Lockwood.

Nina does go to the sleepover at Caroline's.

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