Chapter 5

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"A Gemini siphon?" Elijah Mikaelson says into his cellphone as one of his 'eyes' calls him. "Is she a twin?"

"According to the word around Portland, her twin was stillborn," the eye says. "Her father is Malakai Parker, whom of which was put in a prison world on May the tenth of 1994."

"Don't bother her," Elijah says simply. "Klaus does not need a Siphon; they cannot generate their own magic."

Elijah ends the call before the man on the other end can say another word. The suited Original walks over to the window is the small motel building he's in and overlooks the city. He is currently in Richmond. He got a call from Rose-Marie about the doppelgänger, that they'll have her tonight, on the outskirts of Mystic Falls.

Elijah grabs his phone and he calls Joshua Parker.


"I need your prison world spell," Elijah demands. "This is Elijah."

The man immediately jumps into action and Elijah watches as the humans move among the sidewalks and roads, silently and patiently waiting for this spell. He won't use it; he just wants it. He usually gets what he wants.

"Thank you, Mr. Parker," Elijah says once he's got the spell. "It was a pleasure doing business with you."

The suited Original ends the call and he leaves his motel room to go find someone to feed on.

Her Humanity (E. Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now