Chapter 16

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The ritual happened. Elena was killed by Klaus and he killed Jules and Rose instead of Jenna. Evelyn and Nina are devastated by that. Klaus drove a dagger into Elijah's chest and Stefan gave himself over to Klaus for Klaus's blood to heal Damon of a werewolf bite, which pissed Nina off because she can siphon werewolf bites and no one told her Damon got bit.

When Nina had seen Elena kissing Damon after Rose and John's funerals, while he was dying and before he was cured, Nina decided to end the sexual relationship she has found on with Damon.

Evelyn and Nina moved out of their house and in with Jenna and Damon. Evelyn will be with Jenna at the Gilbert house while Nina is at the boarding house. Despite her and Damon having ended, she feels the happiest here and she knows that Jenna will take care of Evelyn because the two are best friends.

But now it is June the twenty-second, which means Elena and Nina turn eighteen today.

"Happy birthday," Damon says to Nina as she comes into the kitchen in her pajamas which consist of black flannel pants and a t-shirt.

"Thanks," Nina murmurs tiredly. "I miss sex."

"You're the one that ended it," Damon says cockily. "Elena only kissed me as if to say goodbye. I was dying." He lifts Nina onto the kitchen counter and he stands close to her. "We can carry on if you want to. I didn't want it to stop""

Nina inhales sharply as Damon leans closer to her. Nina caves. She breaks the distance and kisses Damon. He removes her pants since his dick is hardening fast. He kneels down and he goes face first into Nina's core and she gasps in shock and pleasure.

"Oh, buon compleanno a me," she murmurs as Damon eats her like a savage.

Damon and Nina are now laying in the tub together, her back against his torso. The bath full of hot water worn bubbles surround them as Damon feels the Siphon up and kisses the side of her neck.

"Since I'm out of champagne, can I taste you?" Damon whispers.

Nina moves her hair away from her neck. "Only a little," she says. "I don't want your blood in my system."

Damon bites her neck. Nina moans a little as Damon gropes her breasts. He lifts his head when he hears a familiar car.

"Relax," he says. "Elena's here; I'll deal with it."

Nina watches as he leaves the room naked. She gets out of the tub and wraps a robe around her. She goes to the bedroom and starts searching for the perfect birthday outfit and she gets dressed right before Damon comes back up.

"Stefan news?"

"Yeah," Damon replies. "They moved on to Tennessee."

"Jenna and I have been looking into the families, and that fluttered victim you mentioned has had family there," Nina says. Jenna decided to become a news lady instead of a realtor because she just enjoys it better.

"Which one? Pensacola?" Damon queries.

"Uh-huh," Nina confirms.

"Up for a road trip, birthday girl?" Damon asks.

"Sorry, but I'm spending the day with my mom since Caroline is throwing me and Elena a birthday party tonight," Nina replies.  "God, I can't believe I'm eighteen now."

Damon grabs her face when Nina stands up and he gives her a tender kiss. "Have Jenna get me that address, please."

"I will," Nina says. She gives Damon one more kiss before she goes to grab her shoes, which are in her room.

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