Chapter 3

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(Dead And Gone By T.I And Justin Timberlake)

Karl's Pov

It's the day before Cora's birthday party. And we are fighting. We are at our spot, and she's standing in front of me, her arms crossed, with no bright smile on her face.

"I was just worried about you!" She spoke and I felt my hands start to sweat.

"I get that. And I get that you want me to start moving toward my goals, but I wanna make sure you get to yours first." I said calmly and she shook her head.

"You don't get to do that." She pointed her finger at me and then slapped her hand down hitting off of her hip.

"I don't get to what?" I asked in a confused expression.

"You don't get to put me in front of your goals and dreams. That is not fair. That is not right." She said, tilting her head to look at me when she was finished speaking.

"Cora I just wanna make sure you're taken care of first-" I spoke and she shook her head.

"No! I want us both to follow our dreams! This isn't one sided just because you want to wait for me to accomplish something." The tears filled her eyes, and I shook my head.

"Cora-" I tried and she shook her head and cut me off.

"No. You can't put me first every single time. You have to put yourself first."

When you're so hopelessly in love with someone, you could care less about what happens to you as long as that person is by your side.

I could care less about my hopes and dreams, as long as she is able to reach her hopes and dreams.

"You before me, always, Cora." I said, which seemed to just make her even more upset.

"Take me home, please." She spoke in a whisper, walking to the passenger door, opening it up and slipping in.

I took a second to gather my thoughts and I got into the car, reversing and leaving our spot.

"I just don't get how this is a problem." I said in a confused expression and she just stared out of the window.

"It's a problem because it's unhealthy. You have to take care of yourself too. You have to do things for yourself." She spoke trying to keep her anger under control, but I know that she was slowly tipping off of that edge.

And I think the blue and red flashing lights that came racing up behind us, officially tipped her off of the edge.

She broke down crying in the passenger's seat as I pulled the car over, rolling my window down, and letting my head fall back on the seat in anger, disappointment, sadness. You name it, I was probably feeling it.

"Hello Sir. I'm sorry to stop you-" The officer said before looking over at Cora who was broken down crying in the passengers seat.

"Ma'am are you okay? Is this man hurting you?" The officer said, looking at Cora who shook her head.

"I'm okay, just a rough day. You know? No he's not hurting me, he'd never hurt a fly." The officer laughed at her joke, and I looked back over at him.

"My apologies. You were speeding, and we had just gotten a call about a car similar to yours, domestic violence case. I had to be prepared in case that was you." The officer said, looking back at his car.

"We need all units to Rusty's pub." The Walkie-Talkie buzzed and the officer looked back at me.

"Have a good day you two. I hope your day gets better, Ma'am." He jogged to his car, and sped off.

I turned to look at Cora, who stared out of the window again.

"Cora there is no reason to get upset over this." I said, and started to drive again.

"I don't want you not following your dreams because of me. Do you understand how that makes me feel? I feel like I'm dragging you down, I feel like I'm holding you back." It felt like I was just stabbed in the chest.

"You and I both know that you aren't dragging me down." I turned onto her street, and drove slow, not wanting this car ride to end, even if she was upset at me.

"It just makes me feel like I'm holding you back, and I don't wanna hold you back. It feels like I'm a wall in the middle of your road to the future." I parked in front of her house, leaving the car on as I turned to her.

"Promise me you'll follow your dreams, Karl. Promise me you'll put yourself first." She looked at me, and I just stared at her.

"Promise me." She said again, her voice breaking, and I looked down at my hands.

"I can't." The passenger door opened, and then was shut quickly.

"I don't know how." I said to myself as I watched her walk into her house, not looking back and waving like she normally did. She just walked right into the house.

I get that we are both right here, and I get that we are both wrong. I get where she is coming from. She feels like she's in the way.

But I also know where I'm coming from. This is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with, I'm always going to put her first.


I quickly walked up my stairs and into my bedroom, shutting the door, locking it, and laying on my bed. I closed my eyes after I plugged my phone in.

I took my shoes off, and I changed into better clothes once I took a couple minutes to calm down. I laid in bed once I was comfortable, and I picked my phone up.

Karl :D

I love you, Goodnight Cora <3

I woke up the next morning with no response.

998 Words

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