Chapter 15

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(When You Love A Woman By Journey)

Karl's Pov

I've not slept this well in years. I opened my eyes slowly, starting to adjust to the light in the room. I went to sit up, and I was pulled closer.

Cora Davis is in my arms right now.

Her head laid on my chest, her arms wrapped around me, and her leg thrown over mine. I was never more present in any moment in my life than this moment. Cora softly breathed, and I smiled softly looking down at her.

I wrapped my arm back around her, and closed my eyes again. I wasn't going back to sleep, I just want to stay in this moment. I don't want to leave her grasp. I don't want her to leave my grasp.

I went to sleep last night, so close to the edge, almost falling off. Now? Now Cora Davis is sleeping in my arms, just how she used to, and I've never been happier.

I opened my eyes, looking at her softly closed eyes, and her soft facial expressions. There was no power, no confidence, no fear. Cora is laying here asleep, looking like she's in the safest place she's ever been in.

I brought my hand up, brushing her fly aways from her face and pushing her hair behind her ear. I let my thumb brush against her cheek as I stared at her. I brought her closer, and her head laid in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around her tightly, not wanting to let go.

I don't know how long I laid there, awake with my eyes closed, just thinking. Thinking and holding the girl I love so much in my arms. The girl I've always loved.

Everything was in slow motion, until her phone alarm started going off. Cora jumped up, now wide awake. She let out an angry groan before shutting it off.

"I hate that stupid ass alarm." She grumbled, sitting on the edge of the bed.

I looked at her, her back facing me, as she ran her fingers through her hair. It cascaded down once she took her hair tie out. The loose curls from the bun.

She grabbed her phone, scrolling through it for a couple minutes. Once she was done, she tossed her phone down on the bed where she laid, and she stood up. She opened the connected bathroom door, and shut the door.

The shower went on, and I sat up, leaning against the headboard. The light singing came from the bathroom, I smiled before putting a hoodie on, and leaving the room. I walked down the stairs, and heard music playing in the kitchen.

Eryn and Foolish were dancing in the kitchen, bright smiles on their faces. I sat down, without them noticing and watched both of them.

I miss being like that.

"Good morning, Karl." Eryn said, not even looking in my direction.

How the hell?

"Good morning." I said with a yawn.

"We got some stuff for you guys... I don't know what Cora likes so I grabbed a little bit of everything." Eryn rambled and I nodded.

"She likes everything I like. Or- She did? I have no idea now..." The clicks of heels came down the stairs and I turned to face Cora.

My mouth hung open as I looked at the maroon suit she had on. The sleek black heels adorned her feet, making her a couple inches taller. The dark lipstick, her hair straightened.

Holy shit.

She straightened her necklaces out, before clipping on her watch.

"Hello, this is Cora Davis." She spoke into the phone, going to the fridge and grabbing a yogurt.

"Yes, I did."

Eryn sat down on the counter, and Foolish sat down next to me with a smile on his face.

"What?" The spoon Cora was holding fell to the floor, and her face morphed into sadness.

"I'm so sorry. Please keep me updated. If you need any help with money, I'll pay for it. Don't feel afraid to ask." She brought her phone down from her ear, picking a spoon up on the floor and putting it in the sink.

"Everything alright?" Eryn asked, noticing her mood change.

"Yeah! When are we meeting with Julie?" Cora asked with a smile, covering up all of her sadness.

I can read you like a book still.

"Let me go get my bag and then we can go." Eryn quickly ran upstairs and Foolish walked over to the key rack.

"Are you okay, Cora?" She was completely zoned out, she didn't even notice I was speaking. I stood up, and walked over to her.

"Cora?" I asked again, and she didn't make any movements. She looked like she was going to break down into tears, but she still held herself together.

I brought my hand up, putting it on her cheek, and she shook her head, blinking.

"Sorry." She said, smiling at me. I dropped my hand back down to my side.

"I didn't think that would still work." I let out a soft laugh as she smiled.

"I haven't changed one bit." She spoke before leaning against the counter.

"Everything okay?" I asked and she looked down at her phone.

"Yeah. Everything is fine." She lied, and I knew it was a lie. Almost instantly.

Cora was good at hiding her emotions, and she's gotten even better, but she never was good at hiding her emotions from me. I knew not to push her though, if she didn't want to talk about it.

"Are you ready?" Eryn ran down the stairs with a smile on her face, before Cora grabbed her purse, and now had a smile on her face.

"Where are-"

"Keys." Foolish held them out to her with a smile. Eryn kissed his cheek quickly before running out of the door with Cora.

"So you and Cora, huh?" Foolish said with a knowing smile, sitting down on the couch.

"Shut up." I sat down next to him, and ran my fingers through my hair frustratedly.

"Wanna talk about it?" Foolish asked, causing me to shrug.

"Do you want to listen to it?" I rebutted and he laughed.

"Go for it."

When you love a woman...

1045 Words

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