Chapter 12

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(I Wish You Would By Taylor Swift)

Cora's Pov

I rolled over in my bed, looking at the old alarm clock. The walls of my old room felt like they were closing in as I stared at the ceiling.


I let out a huff before sitting up, throwing the blankets off of me. I couldn't get him out of my mind. Everything I thought about always led back to him. I couldn't sleep without his face popping up. I couldn't close my eyes without memories haunting me.

I put on a hoodie, and slippers before grabbing my dad's car keys. I should've drove so I could have my car. I quietly snuck out of the front door, and got into the car. I turned the car on, and connected my phone to the car, putting my playlist on.

I started to drive, and put all of the windows down. I let the breeze fly through the car as I drove down familiar streets. I stopped at a gas station, getting out of the car and grabbing a slurpee, and a couple snacks.

People stared at me, but I didn't care. I was wearing an over sized hoodie, shorts, and slippers. I looked like I was going through it, and in reality, I was.

I got back into the car and started driving. The familiar street came into vision, as music blared through the speakers. I looked down at the promise ring on my finger before turning down the street.

I don't even know if he still lives here anymore, but god is it eating me alive. I got closer to the house that used to be my second home. The house was dark beside the Thanksgiving decorations.

I slowed down and fully stopped, looking to see if anything was different. It was just how I remembered, but this time there was no third car. Karl must have moved out. I started to drive, heading into a direction I never thought I would go to again.

It wasn't my smartest idea to block Karl on everything, but I needed to heal. Every day I would stare at our messages, his page, just typing out what to text him. I never ended up texting him. Then I got so tired of constantly wanting to text him and not knowing if he would respond, so I completely blocked him out of my life.

Karl did not exist to me when I moved to Florida. I pretended that he wasn't real. I pretended that he didn't exist. I convinced myself that I made him up, and that's the reason why I never saw him again.

I pulled into what used to be our spot. I parked the car, and sat there for a couple minutes. Shutting the car off, I grabbed my snacks, and I sat in front of the car on the ground.

After the wedding, I realized how much I still love Karl. Nothing ever changed. Nothing would ever change. I looked at him for one second, and all of the work I did to shut him out of my life was not worth it because it all crushed within a second.

Nothing would ever change the way I felt about Karl, and I knew that now. He followed his dreams, but at the cost of me leaving. Now I could be the only one that feels the same love and passion for him.

He probably hates me for what I did. He probably hates me for leaving. He probably hates me for not talking to him. He probably hates me for blocking him.

"Cora?" The voice brought me out of my thoughts causing me to whip my head around.

"Are you alright?" Karl leaned down, and looked at me.

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