Chapter 19

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(All These Years By Camila Cabello)

Karl's Pov

I slung my bag on my shoulder, and walked through the airport. Chandler was with me, while Cara was in line for coffee with her parents. My headphones were blasting, and I walked right by Chandler.

People recognized us, people came up to us, people took pictures with us. As much as I didn't want it to happen, I knew that it was going to.

I wanted to get to Florida without any fan interaction but it happens.

"What are you thinking about?" Chandler asked and I felt myself freeze.

"If I tell you, you can't tell Cara." I side eyed him, and he looked over at her. She was laughing with her parents.

"Okay." I knew either way, Chandler was going to end up telling her. It's his wife. I just feel better hearing that he won't, and him playing it off that he didn't.

"I'm actually nervous." I said and he looked at me confused.

"Why are you nervous?" Chandler asked and I shook my head.

Do i...

"I'm still in love with Cora." I admitted and Chandler giggled and spun in a circle.

"Well now that you finally admitted it yourself again, what are you going to do about it?" Chandler spoke, causing me to laugh.

"What am I going to do about it? I don't even know what to do. I don't even know what to say to her." I spoke sadly, sitting down in the chairs in front of our gate. Chandler sat down next to me, with a huff.

"I think you need to do what you think is right. You need to stop listening to people. You have to take charge of the relationship that you want." Chandler's words did sting, but I knew that he was right.

I need to take charge.


"Sap?" I knocked on his bedroom door.

Dream and George let me in. Skylar and Ranboo were here, but they were packing away her things to move. Now that I'm in Florida, I think it's time I get some advice from someone who has been through the ringer.

"Karl? What are you doing here?" He opened the door, and let me in. I sat on his gaming chair, spinning it to face him as he sat on his bed.

"I'm in town for my girl- ex's birthday?" Sapnap laughed as I let out a deep breath. I'm frustrated. So god damn frustrated. I don't know what to do.

"Which one is she? Your girlfriend, or your ex." Sapnap laughed out, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"She's my ex, but I want her to be my girlfriend." I said, causing Sapnap to sit up and actually listen to me.

"Look. The only person I ever told this to was Wilbur. Ever since Daytona came back, I haven't wanted to burden him. They were going through a lot, and they still are. Promise me that you'll keep your mouth shut..."

"You know I got you bro." Sapnap looked over at me, and all sorts of amusement dropped. He got serious, and sat up straight facing me.

"Cora and I dated back in high school. We fell in love, and we fell in love fast. She is amazing. She is so beautiful. Everything about her is perfect." I closed my eyes, and my hands started to sweat.

"We broke up right before she left for college. She wanted me to follow my dreams, i wanted to put her first-"

"That's your first mistake. Even if you were going to put her first, you should've agreed. I mean you're always going to put her first, but you also have to follow your dreams." Sapnap cut me off, and I listened to his words, letting them sink in.

"I know." I nodded my head, understanding what he was saying.

"Then we fought. She ignored me all night, and the whole next day." I bit the inside of my cheek, knowing where this was going.

"I threw her a surprise birthday party, and I didn't show. We were fighting, she wasn't answering. I didn't know if she wanted me there. The next day she showed up on my doorstep and broke up with me."

Sapnap's mouth hung open in shock and I felt my anxiety skyrocket.

"That's just the short and simple version too..." I spoke quietly, and he just sat there in shock.

"Okay wow. That's a lot to unpack, even in the shortened version." He let out a deep breath and I looked over at him before running my hands through my hair.

"Yeah, and seeing her again brought me right back to where I was. I realized that after all these years, Cora is still the one I want. She's still the one I love." Sapnap smiled softly, and all of my anxiety left my body.

"Then what's stopping you?" He asked, and I completely blanked.

What is stopping me from asking Cora Davis to be my girlfriend again?


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