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Chat Blanc laced his fingers in my hair, pushing his hips forward. I felt his solid grip around my back, drawing me close to him. As close as possible. 

Somehow, in the beating heart that drummed in my chest, I could feel the ground shifting — like a chasmic movement. Everything around us was inevitable, and unstoppable. The entirety of Paris was drowning in water — and crushed to the ground but none of that mattered. What mattered was him. Chat Noir. Chat Blanc. Adrien. 

All three souls — separate personalities merged into one, and I drank it all up. 

Before I could react or move, my shirt was up and over my head, as well as my bra. Chat's suit seemed to shimmer and take on something of a translucent glimmer. I couldn't see through it, but I could certainly feel it

The heterochromia that separated his eye colours was beautiful. His eyes met mine, evenly and almost introspective. 

I was drowning in an ocean that was him — fully consuming me. 

"You want this?" He asked, breathing heavily underneath me. A tangled mess of lips and tongue and teeth. Chat paused, waiting for my answer. 

"Yes," I gasped, leaning down to kiss him again. With a sudden movement, he flipped me over, and when I opened my eyes again, he was hovering over me with a smirk. 

"Switch?" Chat positioned himself between my legs, my thighs spreading apart to make room for him. He gripped my waist with one hand, fingers easily gracing my skin with goosebumps. "You're mine, Birdy," He whispered softly into my ear, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "Don't ever forget who you belong to." 

"...never," I held back a moan as he nipped gently at the skin behind my ear, trailing gentle kisses down my neck. His other hand moved from my waist, sliding easily between my legs. They danced an awful tease until I was nearly squirming. 

"When this ends," he murmured. "You'll still be...mine." 

I was too distracted by the sensations of his hands to even answer, letting out a breathy sigh of frustration as he moved his hand away. He instead, replaced the gap with his lower body, and the friction of it was almost too much. 

Chat slowly—painstakingly, dragged himself closer, dangerously close so that he was hovering in just the right place. He met my eyes carefully as he adjusted his position. The corner of his mouth turned up in a slow smirk as he saw my expression.

I must've looked like such a mess, hair tangled and eyes open wide — begging. 

"Say it, Y/N," he muttered softly. 

"I'm yours," the tension between my legs hit a fever pitch as he brushed against me. "Please, I need you —" I squeezed my eyes closed, and then opened then, my mouth staying open — gasping for air. " — Adrien." 

As soon as his name left my lips, he pushed himself in, gently at first. Chat's jaw clenched, and for a second, the suit wasn't even translucent anymore, it was gone, and he was Adrien again. No mask — but one of his eyes remained blue. 

He gritted his teeth as my fingernails traced his back, but he didn't stop his quick movements. When he sped up, my vision changed and I saw stars. Adrien's hair hung low over his face. 

"Y/N," he breathed. "You saved me." 

I answered him by pulling his head down towards me and meeting his lips in a kiss. It was fast and heated at first, matching the pace of his hip movement, but then it slowed, becoming more and more passionate. 

The vision flickered and Chat Blanc was back, but still faded. It was like purple was floating up from his suit as the Akuma fought for survival. 

I dug my fingernails into his shoulders as he increased his pace. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I pulled him all the way in — Chat let out a gasp of surprise as I tensed — he groaned quietly, soft lips parting — body shivering. 

"Fuck —" 

When his thrusts became more erratic, I felt my body tensing up, and each time he pushed in, my legs shook harder. The weight of his body on top of me was so comfortable — almost like it was natural. Chat met my eyes one last time. 

The sensations spilled out over my entire body, leaving me tingling and weak. I felt the vibrations continue to shake at my limbs even after I had finish. Chat pulled out at the same time, breathing heavily, his face flushed.

It appeared the Akuma had won the battle again, as Adrien was gone, replaced by Chat Blanc. But more of the suit was missing, and I could see nearly half of his upper body without the suit. 

"I love you." He whispered. 

When he intertwined his hands with mine, tangled limbs on the floor, we become one soul. 

It felt like a dream. 

"Promise me you'll remember this moment," Chat Blanc blinked up at me, his eyes wide and soulful. I saw Adrien breathing — alive, through them. "You'll always remember us." 

I tilted my head to the side in confusion. "Why would I forget?" 

Chat's expression went heavy, and I could tell the words that were going to come next wouldn't be good. 

"When you go back." 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now