'If worst came to worst'

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"Emilie, my darling...." 

Chat Noir turned around before I even touched down on the hard metal. His eyes were glassy, and for a second I forgot we were sworn enemies. I forgot about the fight we'd had, and my brief rendezvous with Agreste. 

"Hi," he spoke, blinking slowly. "Hard morning?" Chat stood up, straightening out his back. I perched on the railing, wings out. 

"You could say that," I muttered. "I guess we both had the same idea to come here." 

He nodded silently. The wind ruffled his blonde hair, hissing slightly as it whistled between the bows of the Eiffel Tower. 

The sun was melting on the horizon, and clouds were beginning to cover the sky. 

"Listen," Chat Noir lowered his head. "I don't want us to fight." 

I laughed. "Isn't that what we're supposed to do?" 

He shrugged weakly, and the hurt in his eyes seemed to flash. "Even if we're supposed to, I don't want to." He paused. "Raven, I genuinely care about you, and I don't want us to be enemies." 

"I'm not on your side," I said, not unkindly. "We don't fight for each other, Chat." 

"But we could," His eyes brightened. "I had an idea. What if you joined Ladybug and I? Then, together, we could take Hawkmoth down for good." Chat Noir swallowed. "Would you consider it?" 

I thought about it in my head. Ladybug wouldn't accept me. She wouldn't ever see me as an ally. Hawkmoth would make it his soul purpose to destroy me, and I would be shunned by both sides. Besides, I'd already made the commitment to Hawkmoth. 

"I can't," I admitted. "Even if I wanted to, it just couldn't work." 

Chat Noir's eyes blazed. "Why not?" 

"Because I'm not like you," I argued. "I'm just not, and that's how it's always been. Villains are villains and hero's are hero's. There's no grey area." 

"And if worst came to worst, you'd pick Hawkmoth over me?" 

I stayed quiet. "Would you pick Ladybug over me?" 

A long silence fell between us. 

Chat Noir's expression turned stony and he looked away for a second, watching a flock of birds fly around the tip of the tower. The breeze picked up, gusting its way around us. 

I nearly lost my balance as my wings unbalanced, tipping me backwards. Chat Noir grabbed my hand, his other landing on my waist to study me. 

I inhaled sharply. "Chat..." 

"I don't want to lose you," he murmured, so quiet that I barely heard him. 

Gritting my teeth and pushing my heart so far down into my stomach I could barely feel it beating, I nodded. 

"I'll join you." 

"It worked then," Hawkmoth spoke to me, the dark cavern lit by several candles. "He trusts you now." 

"Yes sir," I dipped my head, staring at the ground. This is what had to be done. Hawkmoth had agreed to my terms. He'd kill Seth after we'd stolen the miraculous and brought back his loved one. Then I would take over in his place, gathering all the miraculous so that I could become the Guardian. What I would do after that, I wasn't sure. 

"Good," Hawkmoth smiled. "I have to admit, Y/N, you've proven to be quite the asset to my team." He surveyed me. "I've one child, but he's never been as gifted as you." 

It was the first piece of personal information that Hawkmoth had ever given me. I felt somewhat honoured, but guilt in my stomach stirred, replacing the good feeling with an unshakeable ache. 

"You have a son?" I repeated. "How old is he?

Hawkmoth wagged a finger. "I can't share any more than that." He stood to his full height, gently tapping his staff on the ground. "It's almost time for our plan. You know what to do." 

I sighed. "Yes sir. I won't let you down." 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now