'Blood oath'

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It felt like gravity was pulling me further into the Earth's core. 

My feet were heavy on the ground as I made my way up to Hawkmoth's lair. The memory of Adrien — last week — hung heavy in my mind. It was part guilt, part ecstasy. 

"Raven, you brilliant soul," Hawkmoth was beaming, which caught me entirely off guard. In his hands, he held the Ladybug and the Chat Noir miraculous'. "I'm so proud of you." 

I gawked at the sight. A light shone down behind me, and I spun around. Chat Noir — unmasked was hanging from the ceiling. I couldn't see his face, because it was shrouded in darkness. My eyes couldn't adjust, and I strained to see who he really was. 

"Now I have one task for you left," Hawkmoth smiled. "Kill him. Sign the final blood oath so that we may finally be victorious." 

I felt my heart pounding in my throat. Bile rose from my stomach and a wave of dizziness hit me. 


My voice was cut off and the dark swallowed me. 

I woke up in a cold sweat, panting and out of breath. My shirt was slightly damp and sticking to my chest. I brushed hair away from my face, gripping my necklace out of instinct. 

"You okay, Y/N?" Adrien stirred beside me, his voice groggy with sleep. I forgot he stayed over last night. This had turned into not just a one time thing, and I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

"I'm —" I stalled, my brain coming back into focus. "Bad. No, good. I mean — I had a bad dream." I shook the sleep away from my eyes, glancing at the clock. "Fuck. It's 7:30." 

"What was your dream about?" Adrien raised an eyebrow. 

Oh just taking over the world with my boss, whose name is Hawkmoth. Not to mention, being forced into killing the one person I thought I was beginning to l—

"Nothing." I said. "It wasn't important. But you know what is?" 

"Hmm? What's that?" 

"Marinette's going to be here in ten minutes and sometimes she's early—" 

A knock sounded at my bedroom door. My heart stopped but I managed to shove Adrien off the bed. He crawled underneath as it swung open. 

Heart beating out of my chest, I forced a smile at my best friend. She smiled back at me, but then paused, her smile fading. 

"Is that...Radiant, the perfume?" Mari looked around. "Are you wearing Adrien's signature scent?" She sniffed the air. 

"Uhhhhhh, surprise!" I blinked wildly. "I bought it for you as a surprise for your birthday next year and had to..uh...test it out first." 

Mari looked a bit suspicious but she seemed to buy my bluff. She casually slumped down on my bed, tossing her backpack on the floor. "I'm so tired. I stayed up all night thinking about ways I could ask Adrien to the dance." 

"—aww that's sweet," Adrien popped up from behind my bed. 

Marinette screamed, a high pitched sound that nearly broke my ear drums. He scratched his head, crossing his arms. 

I gave him a panicked look. "What the fuck are you doing?" 

"FUCK YOU WERE FUCKING?" Marinette squealed angrily. She pulled at her pigtails. "What the actual fuck, Y/N?" 

"Mari, do you wanna go to the dance with me though?" He grinned cheekily. "I'm sure you're a way better dancer than Y/N." 

"Fuck you," I glared. 

"Yeah, fuck you, Adrien," Marinette's face was bright red. "But looks like you two already did that." 

I sighed. "I'm not going to be one of those cliche's saying 'let me explain', because I don't really have to. You already kno—" 

"No. Go on," she said furiously. "Tell me. What's your good excuse for being with the guy I've loved since forever? God, Y/N, you're so selfish." 

The words cut deep. 

Adrien held up his hands. "Whoa. Love is a strong word." 

"Marinette, you know what? You've been so obsessed with Adrien, you haven't even taken a breath to wonder what was going on in my life. You don't care about me at all - only him. If anyone's selfish it's you. Everyone has shit going on in their lives and it wouldn't kill you to look up from your Adrien obsessed hole of a brain to ask me how I'm doing. But no—that's clearly too much work for you." 

I took a breath. 

The colour had completely dropped out of her face. "You're a bitch, Y/N." she picked up her backpack. "I'm sorry that your life is such a shitshow, but you think I didn't notice?" Mari's eyes drew a slight hint of pity. "I know that you have stuff that you're dealing with, but you never even ask for help. Not even when you need it the most." 

"I'm not a charity case," I defended. "But I wish you cared about me as much as you do him, who you barely know." 

Mari's nostrils flared. "I'm glad you two are so happy together." She backed up slowly. "You know that thing about the weight of the world? I was going to tell you why I've been so distracted lately...and about the job I've been asked to do. But I guess you don't want to hear it." She turned and left. 

"I'm sorry," Adrien said immediately. "About the dance thing — I was just —" 

"Get out." I said quietly. "Please. Leave me alone." 

Adrien lowered his eyes. "Yeah. Fine." He stood up, leaving out my window. Before he closed it behind him, he paused. "I'm here if you want to talk." 

And then he was gone. 

"Vector. Let's fly." I said, the second I couldn't hear him anymore. 

I leapt out onto the roof, flying towards the Eiffel Tower. 

The outline of Chat Noir's figure was already there. 

It's funny. The people you keep trying to push away always have a way of coming back to you. 


Things are going quite fast, but I'm leading up to something........something heartbreaking (hehe). 

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