'Victory tastes sweet'

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So this was Hawkmoth's supposed brilliant plan. I had to say, for a forty-something year old man, he sure had a strange obsession with hiring teenagers to fight other teenagers. 

His lair — or as I liked to call it, the 'dark room', was only lit by a giant hanging portrait of a woman. It was illuminated around the outside, a worn tapestry that was creased by age. I couldn't see who the woman was, but I could tell that she was beautiful. 

I heard his footsteps as I stood, watching the window. 

"You're here," Hawkmoth's voice called to me. I turned around to face him, and then realized he wasn't alone. Lila was at his side, something of a wicked expression on her face. "Raven, I'd like you to meet Lila." 

"We've met," I said shortly, keeping my tone neutral. 

Hawkmoth's eyebrows raised under his mask but he didn't comment. "Ah. Good. The two of you are well acquainted." He flicked his arm and two chairs appeared, made of the same glowing colour as the butterflies' purple wings. "take a seat." 

I sat across from her. Lila's expression was exceedingly smug. 

"Listen closely, for I will not repeat myself," his expression turned mutinous. "I have struggled day after day to take the Miraculous from Ladybug and Chat Noir, and failed each time. I require fresh blood, and I wonder if Lila may be better suited for this job." 

My heart sank. "What?" 

"Raven, you have done well, but I fear that you're growing careless," Hawkmoth held up his hand as I opened my mouth to protest. "I will give you one last chance. This all works splendidly as I'm also testing Lila. I've decided we need another member on our team, in addition to whichever one of you proves yourself worthy." 

"I won't let you down, Sir Hawkmoth." Lila said, almost desperately. "I'll be your devoted servant until the day I die." 


Hawkmoth ignored her. "I want Chat Noir on our team." He clenched his hand into a fist, staring at it. "I've managed to akumatize him once before. Chat Blanc —" 

A chill went down my spine. Hawkmoth continued. "—Chat Blanc was unstoppable. If he were to return, we would win. I want you both to find out his weaknesses, what makes him tick. Finally I want you to make him fall in love with you. Whoever succeeds, will have a place beside me as we claim the Miraculous as ours Is that clear?" 

Lila's lip trembled with determination. The sight made me want to throw up my ice-cream. "I will not let you down." 

Her brown-nosing was giving me the biggest headache. "Yeah, yeah, I'll win and all that shit," I waved my hand. "Chat Noir is a teenage boy under that mask. He's not hard to pull." 

Hawkmoth surveyed me with a skeptical expression. "You're confident then, Raven." 

"Yeah." I  blinked. "Why wouldn't I be?" 

"Good," he said his expression unwavering. "Your missions are clear. I want frequent updates." 

I nodded, stalking off. Lila followed behind me, her heels clicking on the runway. I lifted my wings, purposely hitting her with a gust of wind as I flew out of the Dark Room. 

I could feel Lila's eyes on me as I soared through the Paris sky. She stood at the edge, donning a new suit. Since we didn't have any more Miraculous, Hawkmoth was forced to akumatize her into a brand new costume. 

Vixen. Her fox outfit clung to her body like a glove, and I hated to admit that she looked good. 

She might look the part, but she would never be as good as me. 

I knew exactly where Chat would be. On his roof, staring at the stars. Lila didn't have a fucking clue that I'd been doing this job before Hawkmoth even asked it to be done. 

I pushed away any real feelings I might have, determined not to lose the one thing in my life that gave me purpose. 

"Little Kitty on a roof, all alone without his birdy..." 

"You're a bit pitchy," I said softly, touching down on the roof beside him. 

Chat spun around, his eyebrows raised. He ruffled a hand through his hair. "Am I now?" 

"I'm sorry about last night," I lied, sitting directly beside him. His leg pressed into the side of mine and I was distinctly aware of how warm his body felt beside me. "You're right. I don't want to give up on us." 

Chat sighed, looking up at the sky. "Raven, no. We're not an us. We're on different sides of the same battle." 

"But what if it didn't have to be like that?" I asked. "What if it was just you and me?" 

"It's not," he said plainly. "The world just isn't like that." He looked at me. "You don't even like me. Why are you saying all this?" 

"I don't have anyone else.." the words slipped out before I could stop them and it startled me how honest they were. "I don't care that we're supposed to hate each other. Even if we're not an us, we're not just..." 

Chat Noir leaned over, pressing his lips to mine. He reached over, using the inner side of my leg to pull me closer, and then slipped his hand over my hip, resting on the small of my back. 

Victory tastes sweet.  

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now