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"With pleasure," 

There was nothing subtle about his words. We both knew we were about to get something we both so desperately needed. 

My breathing only increased as Adrien took another step forward, pushing me backwards into the wall. His hands slid around my back and the towel fell. His shirt came off soon after, landing on the ground in a soaking wet puddle of water. Adrien's hair fell in front of his face as he bent over to kiss me. 

"This is what you want?" His voice was barely a whisper in my ear, a low drawl that somehow comforted me. "I need you to say it, Y/N." Adrien adjusted his grip on my lower back, pausing. 

"—uh," I whimpered quietly as one of his legs stepped in between mine, creating the tiniest bit of friction. 

"Y/N, darling...yes or no?" 

"—yes," I gasped. "Yes." 

His hand slid around to my waist, his calluses scraping pleasurably against my skin. His thumbs grasped just on the thinnest part of my skin where it met bone, setting my entire stomach on fire. His left hand moved lower, reaching in between my legs. His fingers danced, and then stilled, creating a small heat dome in the core of my body. I arched my back, pushing myself closer to his hand, in attempt to get it to move again. 

Adrien smirked against my lips, his right hand moving up to my hair. He purposely tangled his hand in the back of my hair, pausing his tongue to pull it gently. He tilted my head up to look at him. My eyes met his green, evenly. Steadily. 

"I've wanted this since you first beat me in fencing," he grinned mischievously. 

"Oh yeah?" I laughed, my heart pounding. "Fucking me in the girls' showers was your whole plan, then?" 

He didn't answer me, instead rubbing his left thumb in slow circles. My back arched further against the cool tiles of the showers and my mouth opened in a silent gasp for air. Each finger lit up the sensitive skin on my body. Goosebumps ran up and down my arms. 

"What was that again?" Adrien asked, gently inserting his middle finger. I gasped, breathing heavily as he began moving it slowly. "Do you...want me to stop?" 

"—fuck, oh— OH—" I shuddered as he added another finger. "-no, don't stop." 

He looked at me teasingly. "Do stop?" He removed his fingers, sliding his hand around the side of my thigh and then bringing it back up to my waist. 

I felt my body go limper with disappointment. I needed this. I needed him. I reached down, undoing the buttons on his pants. When we were standing in the showers, alone, no clothing in sight, I realized how much I'd thought about this moment with Chat Noir. 

I always thought we'd reveal each other eventually, in more ways than one. I pushed that thought aside. It wasn't happening. This was. 

I grabbed his hands, moving him towards where there was a more closed off area in the showers. There was a door that actually locked, with a sink and changing room. It felt too hot, his hands everywhere, his lips pressed against mine, fighting for dominance. 

"The—there?" Adrien's eyes flitted to the counter. He kicked the door closed, breaking contact to lock it. 

I nodded, wanting him to hurry up. He placed my hands on his shoulders. "Jump, darling." 

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he lifted me onto the counter. He stood in between my legs, slowly inching closer.

"—yes," I breathed out, in case he needed a reminder. We were almost at eye level now. Desire, passion, the words of every single thing I'd ever wanted to say to Chat Noir was running through my head. I wanted to forget him, but I couldn't. Instead, I engaged in this — 

"Do you want me to go slo—" 

I interrupted him by using my legs still wrapped around his hips to pull him into me. Adrien let out a gasp of surprise and I winced at the fully-expected invasion. He leaned over, chest pressed against mine, head just dipped over my shoulder. 

"Fuck, Y/N —holy shit....you feel—" he stayed hunched over for a second, and I felt him twitch slightly. He paused before standing up to his full height. He pulled back a bit before thrusting in further. Deeper this time.

"I—oh—" I couldn't form a coherent thought as he sped up, pushing himself in and out much faster than before. I leaned back, lifting my hips for closer access. Adrien groaned, the edge of his voice lifting in a quiet whimper. 

"Y/N," he breathed, holding on tightly to my hips. My hands ran the length of his back, fingernails digging into his skin and I saw stars. 

He increased his pace, and I thought I might pass out. My pulse elevated, and I could feel my legs shaking intermittently, as I felt him shudder inside of me. Adrien pushed closer, and I squeezed his hips with my legs. 

"—fuck," he breathed. "I'm gonna—" 

He exhaled, a low sound coming from the back of his throat as I went over the edge at the same time. I clenched my legs, somewhat weakly as my entire body seized up. 

He pulled out, leaning heavily on the counter. My breath came out in shaky gasps. 

So that was what it was like. To really feel alive with someone. And of all people, it had to be Adrien Agreste. 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now