'Lucky shot'

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Anyone who knew a thing about fencing could see Adrien's talent. Maybe it was from spending so much time alone cause god knows his father doesn't practice with him. 

I reminded myself that as Adrien readied his stance. It killed me to admit his athletic ability. He was nimble on his feet, like a parkour athlete, but there was something lithe and easy about his movements that I envied. It wasn't that I was clumsy — I was far from it. Marinette was the clumsy one. It's just that athleticism wasn't my strong suit in battle. 

"Bring it on, Agreste," I tipped my helmet down and pointed my sword. I could almost hear him smiling underneath that helmet. The funny thing about boys with talent, is that they have this narcissistic belief that they are the only talented ones. 

This wasn't my first day at fencing. 

I narrowed my eyes, slowing down my breathing slightly. Eerily enough, Hawkmoth's voice rang in my head. "Calm your adrenaline, Raven. It's your greatest strength and your greatest weakness." 

Even as Adrien leaned forward slightly, as if to fake me out, I could hear my heartbeat pounding the back of my throat. I instinctively moved to the side, pointing my sword directly in front of me. I hopped forward, trying to get better traction on the slippery gym floor. 

Adrien dodged my second blow, parrying my third. He slipped under my blade, taking a lazy swipe at my stomach. I moved just in time, catching his sword with mine. I could feel the intensity increasing as he swung several times. Within two minutes it was clear that he was just toying with me. Like a cat plays with its prey. 

"Are you even trying?" It wasn't the smartest thing to do — egging him on — but my pride got the better of me. 

Adrien laughed and for a second, the sound was so familiar I nearly stopped in my tracks. While I was distracted, Adrien darted behind me, and I spun around. My foot came off balance and in my haste to regain it, he scored a point. 

"What was that, Y/N?" Adrien crowed, taking a hop back. "Did you want me to go easier on you — or?" 

I gritted my teeth, swiping at his body. I felt a satisfied jolt go through me when my sword made contact. 

Adrien's tone changed completely. "Lucky shot." 

"We'll see about that." 

We parried back and forth, until I realized that the entire class had stopped to watch us. Including Mari, who had her phone out and was live streaming the whole thing. Even the coach looked on with interest. His prized student, fighting a nobody. 

I slipped under his outstretched arm as he stepped forward just slightly too far. My foot got caught as I moved forward, and we both tripped, tumbling to the floor. That was when my helmet flew off after my head smacked the ground. I rolled over his body once before landing on top of him. 

Adrien breathed heavily, my sword pressed as close to his jugular as the helmet would allow. 

"I think it's safe to say that Y/N owned your ass," one of the boys jeered. "Nice one, Adrikins." 

I sat up, removing the sword from his throat, and then I got off of him. 

Adrien stood up reluctantly. "Yeah." He took his helmet off, shaking his messy blonde hair out. His eyes were somewhat impressed, somewhat annoyed. "Good job." It was something of an irritated expression, masked by false bravado. 

"Oh my god, Y/N," Mari said. "That was amazing." She waved her phone around. "I got it all on video. Adrien looked amazing — I mean you looked great too, but —" 

"There you go," I laughed. I leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "It's your own personal video of Adrien to watch at night." 

Mari groaned, covering her face. "Not like that." 

"Whateveeerrrr you say, Marinette." 

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