Gabriel Agreste

716 38 29

(Y'all somehow i put this chapter in the wrong google account folder for school — just praying my teacher didn't read it —)


It was put under question at that moment -- whose breath was whose? His lips were inches away from mine, head hovering over mine. My back was pressed against the cold cobblestones of the tunnel wall. 

It was nearly completely dark, as nightfall had seeped into the air like a quiet predator. Twisting its coils through the tunnels. Though the Akumatized was still rampaging outside — the world in here seemed quiet. Peaceful. 

Chat Noir's hair was messed up, falling in blonde waves all over his cat ears, hiding his strange blue eyes.

He cocked his head to the side slightly.

"Have we done this before?" Chat Noir leaned forward further, connecting our hips. I could feel the bones of his hips gently pressing into my sides. I gasped as his hand slowly crept up my back, the sharp claws on his pointed fingers dragging softly against my skin. "Deja vu, yeah?"

Shivers crawled up my spine. 

I wanted to tell him that there was a time when we actually were an us. But there were no words I could string together to tell him that his father would eventually try to Akumatize him into the monster that destroyed Paris. 

And there were no words to tell him that his dead mother was hidden away in their mansion's basement. 

I shook my head rapidly. "Deja vu doesn't exist. Maybe you imagined this in your dreams, Agreste." 

Chat Noir considered the potential of a sleepless rendezvous. He closed his eyes for a moment.

"You might be right." 

He leaned forward even more, tucking his chin so that his lips were directly angled with mine. You could cut the tension with a butter knife and it would slide right through this moment like water. The tip of his finger teased the underside of my chin, keeping my face pointed towards his. 

"Chat," I breathed. "We can't."

The notion that he would soon forget this moment, was harder to wrap my head around than anything else. 

The necklace that Luka gave me -- the Raven pendant that reminded me so much of my Miraculous seemed hotter than usual, like it was channeling my guilt. I knew that the time when I got Akumatized for the first time was approaching rapidly. 

Soon, my Mother would introduce me to Seth and he would attack me like the evil monster he was. Hawkmoth would give me the Raven Miraculous for real, and I would become Raven -- the supervillain who would help him eventually conquer Paris. 

As Raven, Chat Noir and I would start sneaking around and lying and --

The thought of all that happening again was too much to bear. 

"Darling," Chat Noir murmured, and for a second I forgot where I was. I forgot that all of this was forbidden, and potentially apocalypse-causing. "What are you afraid of?" 

"The dark," I lied. 

I could feel him smile in the dark; I felt the corners of his lips turn up. "The most beautiful things live in the dark. They don't ask for attention — they command silently, but effectively." He smirked. "I would make a great poet." 

I turned my face away from his, taking a moment to breathe. To really breathe. 

"I'm sorry," I gently placed my hands on his chest — the smooth fabric of his suit slipped under my fingers as I pushed him backwards. "You need to help Ladybug, and I need to go find my Mom." 

There was a shift in the air. The night breeze suddenly didn't feel so cold and a pressure had lifted. I knew Chat Noir could feel it. He took a confused step back, as if my hands had quickly guided him backwards. 

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked quietly. 

"You—" Chat blinked with confusion. "What?" He closed his eyes for a second, and when he opened them, they had returned to their usual green. He looked around, slightly confused. 


"Y/N, what's going on?" Chat Noir's expression turned panicked and he moved further backwards, attempting to get his bearings. "Where's the villain?" 

"Ladybug fixed it," I bit back the tears that were fighting with my eyes to fall loose. I cleared my throat, trying to shake the lump. "You were helping me find a hiding spot." 

"Why don't I remember?" 

"The Akumatized was um—taking away peoples memories," I clarified, my hands shaking behind my back. "It's okay" 

Chat Noir seemed to accept this and he nodded slowly. "Oh." His awkward expression turned back into the confident, flirty Chat Noir I so recognized. His usual self-assurance plastered itself across his face and he stepped towards me, offering a hand. "You want a lift out of here?" 

I nodded hesitantly. "Yeah. Thanks." 

When we exited the sewers, it was like waking up in a brand new world. The destruction had all been put back together and Ladybug was waiting with my Mom, near the base of the Eiffel Tower. Her eyes were full of tears and she ran towards me, the same stricken expression on her face as when Dad left. 

"I'm sorry," She pulled me into her tight hug, and I nearly suffocated under her warm grasp. "I never meant to get Akumatized." 

"It's okay, Mom," I mumbled. "No one does." 


*I don't know what to name Y/N's mom, so this is what I got for now.

"Hannah!" The voice came from behind me, and it was so eerily familiar that my brows furrowed automatically. I turned around slowly, half-expecting to see Seth. 

Mom's expression had turned slightly stony, but I could tell in her eyes that she was longing. It was the same way I looked at Adrien. 

Chat Noir stood off to the side, talking to Ladybug. 

"I'm so sorry, Hannah, you have no idea how worried I've been," it was no one other than Gabriel Agreste. Even Chat Noir's jaw dropped. There were several reporters huddled around, filming this interaction. 

Gabriel's silver hair was tousled and his eyes were bright red. It was almost convincing. Almost. His eyes flicked over to me but he paid me nearly no mind. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it to our date tonight," He apologized, taking my Mom's hands in his. I saw that his ring was gone. Adrien saw too — I saw his ears droop and his eyes change. "I was so caught up in work that I completely lost track of tie. I promise you, love, it'll never happen again." 

Gabriel Agreste. Not Seth. My heart was pounding in my throat. 

My Mom was dating GABRIEL AGRESTE?

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now