'Oh birdy'

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The sky was dark, and heavy clouds of smoke plagued the streets of Paris in a thick smog that choked at my throat. Hypnotized and captivated by the eye of the storm, I stared up at the Eiffel Tower. It used to stand — strong and powerful — like a mascot, but today it was eerily backlit, the grimy metal washed white in the flames that trickled in the distance. 

"This is what you wanted," Chat Noir stood in front of me, his suit tattered, blood dripping from his nose. He didn't bother to wipe it away. He made a show of staring around at the ruins, and then he walked up to me, footsteps muted by the sounds of screaming and havoc. 

It was captivating — Paris's hero looking down on me. Numb, and broken. His blonde hair was streaked with dirt, and his ears were flattened to his head. 

Funny enough, it didn't even bother me. Something else crawled beneath my suit, hiding just between the fabric, pressing against my skin. Infecting me. I didn't care that the world burned as long as I eventually burned with it. 

"Look who finally won," I crowed, something of a vicious smile creeping onto my face. "About time, don't you think - dear kitten?" 

Grief finally emerged on Chat Noir's features, and he took another step closer to me. Almost tenderly, he reached out to touch the side of my face. 


I tipped my head to the side and his hand fell, retracting quickly. As fast as the comfort was there, it was ripped away from me. Because I was a monster, repelling all affection and love. There was no time to heed caution as I tumbled down this path at the speed of pure vengeance. 

Sometimes, the villains have to win. 

"Hand it over," I reached out towards his ring. He responded quickly, grasping the pole that lay beside him to swing into battle. 

Dark magic swirled in my hands. I already had all the power I needed. He was just Hawkmoth's toy to play with now. 

I opened my palms and he was raised into the air. A low whimper of pain was ripped out of his throat as the magic circled his body, tearing into his soul. It is surprising what you can do to the ones you lo—

His mask fell, revealing —


(light smut warning) 

He was hungry, so hungry for something that I couldn't serve. Chat's hands roamed up and down my body, the sensations sending bursts of heat through my chest and around my inner thighs. I bit back a moan as his hand dipped in between my legs, rubbing lazy circles just below where he knew I wanted it. 

"Fuck, Ra—Raven," he whimpered as I pushed myself closer to him, arching my back slightly. One of his hands found the curve of my spine and he brushed a knuckle against the bone, making me shiver with pleasure. I ground my hips down on him, creating the friction he so craved. 

The hard pallet of the secluded rooftop couldn't be comfortable against his back, but he wasn't complaining. The sounds of his gasps, intermittent with rare purrs echoed in my eardrums. My heart pounded, and I felt vaguely light-headed. 

This wasn't what we needed, but it certainly felt necessary in the moments leading up to. 

"I wish we could —-" he gasped, as I gently bit at the side of his neck, leaving dark red marks."—fuck—" 

I pulled back, an amused look on my face. "Yeah?" 

Chat laughed, though it was breathy and somewhat choked. "No, that's not what I meant." He paused. "Kind of." 

"Tell me then, mm?" I became momentarily distracted as he reached up to brush a strand of hair out of my face. Almost sweetly, almost in a way that made me want to leave. He felt so stable and strong underneath me that I nearly forgot what a wrecking ball he could be. 

"I wish we could take the suits off." 

I smirked. "So that is what you meant when you said — fuck." 

Chat grinned. "Maybe a little," he brought his lips back to mine, his hands finding their way back to the sides of my hips. He pushed on my hips, forcing me to open my legs further. I inhaled sharply as I felt him — all of him — underneath me. It was almost enough to make me want to take the mask off, but that felt wrong. So wrong and too vulnerable. 

"—Chat—," I sighed. "—" 

"Raven, you know I'd do anything for you, right?" 

His words shocked something down to my core. And not in a good way. 

"Y/N, I'd do anything for you, sweetie," Mom said, stroking my cheek gently. 

They're all liars. 

I pulled back. "I appreciate that, I really do, but I have to go. School tomorrow and everything." I swallowed hard, biting back the urge to continue as we were for the rest of the night. 

Chat recoiled as if I'd hit him. "Did I do something wrong?" 

"No." I said, unnecessarily firmly. My expression didn't waver. "I have to go." 

"Are we doing this tomorrow night?" He asked, standing up quickly. Almost shamefully, he moved his hands to the front of his suit, covering himself. 

"I don't know," I said. "Maybe." 

And then I left. 


I hope this chapter was worth waiting for. The first part is a bit of a teaser for what's to come, and the second part is leading into something bigger....stay tuned to find out;) 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now