Evil Cupid

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Chat Noir scoffed like Luka was the most ridiculous person in the world. Luka bristled in reaction, glaring at Chat Noir. They seemed to have become quick enemies — a thought that was not in any way comforting to me. 

The tension was literally on fire and my room felt ten times too small. 

"Boys," I rolled my eyes, stepping in between them. Trying to keep a joking tone in order to keep the situation from escalating, I placed four fingers on Luka's chest, pushing him backwards. He didn't even look at me as he took a slightly stumbled step back, fists clenched at his sides. 

It was exactly like when that evil producer guy took Kitty Sections music and Luka stood up for Marinette. Which, might I add caused him to become akumatized for the first time. The thought of Silencer made me shiver. 

Luka's protective side was not to be messed with. 

However, Chat Noir's jealous side was a force to be reckoned with in comparison. The 'who would win in a fight' was dangerously close to erupting, and I didn't want to be in the middle of it. 

Chat Noir slid in the window, shortening his pole. It stood by his side, metal digging into the carpet. He almost had a glint in his narrowed green eyes. 

"I don't think this is really necessary," I held my hand out on the other side as well to keep Chat Noir away, feeling very much like I was in between Jacob and Edward or some kind of other triangle shit. 

"Answer the question, Kitty Cat," Luka demanded, fully ignoring me. "How do you know my last name is Couffaine?" 

"It was a lucky guess," I silently begged Luka to calm down. "Maybe it's like a part of his superpower." 

"Yeah, cause guessing names comes in so handy when I'm fighting Hawkmoth," Chat Noir blew on his claws. I shot him a look, because he clearly wasn't helping his case. "Whatever, it doesn't matter. I need Y/N." 

"You don't though," Luka stepped forward. "Any fight that you're a part of doesn't concern Y/N, and you have Ladybug to help you." Luka drawled. "Aren't you just the trusty sidekick anyways?" He wrapped an arm around my waist, fingers spreading out over my skin. 

"Get lost, Chat Noir. She's mine.

Chat stared down at me, his eyes narrowing further with disappointment and a bit of anger. "God, he's really done a number on y—" 

Luka threw a book at Chat Noir. 

"Cataclysm." The book didn't even make contact with anything but his finger — yet it disintegrated as soon as it touched his claw. 

"That was my favourite book," I protested. "Please, just stop it, yeah?" I stepped away from Luka. "I hate to do this, but it's my Mom..and I should help her. Especially because I'll be helping Ladybug." I emphasized her name. "Not him." 

Luka fumed, but his blue eyes softened when they met mine. His hands loosened at his sides and he placed them on my shoulders. "Are you sure, Y/N?" 

"Yeah," I said, keeping my voice from sounding too annoyed. "I trust Ladybug." I winked at no one in particular. "We're like best friends." 

Chat Noir and Luka both gave me odd looks but I ignored them in return. Instead, I walked over, wrapping my fingers around Chat Noir's pole. "Let's go, Kitten Noir." 

He tugged it out of my grasp, using it to prop the window open. Then, with a very pointed look at Luka, he slid his arm around my waist so that I wouldn't fall twenty feet onto the ground. 

Chat Noir saluted in a very annoyingly cheeky way before we both slid down the pole onto the terrorized Paris streets. 

"You know, Chat Noir," I said in a mocking voice as we made our way towards the epitome of disaster. All the citizens were fleeing from the Louvre. "You'd think that as a superhero, you'd do a bit better job of keeping your identity a secret." 

Chat Noir glared at me. "And you'd think you'd pick your boyfriends a bit better," he crossed his arms. "Please. That guy is such an asshole." 

I pressed my lips into a thin line. "Are you judging me for something that's none of your business?" 

Some of my other words registered in his head and his eyes widened. "You don't know my identity though....and you're not actually friends with Ladybug, are you?" 

I shrugged. "Like I said. I'm full of surprises." 

Thankfully, Chat Noir decided I was bluffing, and continued to talk about what an asshole Luka was for the rest of the trip. 

Ladybug was waiting by the side of the building, clad in her costume. Her eyes were full of light — reminding me even more of Mari. Said building was not so full of life. The paintings were in crumbles all over the ground. 

"So, Y/N, apparently someone's date didn't go too well and now your Mom is cursing everyone to  kill the people they love most. I already dragged Alya and Nino away from each other because they were trying to stab the other with steak knives." Ladybug said it so casually, you'd think this happened everyday. I mean, it kind of did. 

But that meant that something went wrong with Mom and her mystery boyfriend. Which, in hindsight didn't seem like such a bad thing. Maybe Seth was out of the picture for good. 

I sighed with relief. "Good. I mean, not good. What do you want me to do about it?" 

As Ladybug opened her mouth to answer, there was a loud shriek from inside the remains of the building and Mom came running — no, flying out. She was dressed in one of Hawkmoth's best looks, if I do say so myself. It was like a Cupid's costume but darker and a strange shade of green. 

She carried a black bow which shot vials of a clear, liquidy poison. "Sweetie..." her voice softened when she saw me, but I could see her eyes immediately dart to Chat Noir and Ladybug. 

"Mom, can you please stop?" I tapped my foot anxiously. "I'd really love it if you weren't an akumatized villain for the rest of my childhood." 

She took a step towards me, but the bow had left her hands and was now floating beside her head. It was gearing up to shoot. "You're right, Y/N." She crooned. The bow seemed to be shimmering. "I'll reject the Akuma, let me just do one more thing—" 

Before anyone could do anything, one of the vials flew at me at top speed, I closed my eyes, flinching backwards. There was a flash of black and an hiss, and when I opened my eyes, Chat Noir was laying on the ground in front of me. 


Ladybug had immediately sprung into action, flying around on her yo-yo to stop Evil Cupid from shooting any more poison. 

I leaned down beside Chat Noir, rolling him over onto his back. He was motionless for a few seconds, and then his eyes opened. 

They were bright blue. 

With the ferocity of a jungle cat, he sprung up at me, knocking me backwards. We both tumbled on the ground, rolling over one another. His claws had a death grip around my arms, and when we stopped moving, he was on top of me, pinning me to the ground. 

"I'm sorry to do this to you, Birdy." 

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