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I have seen her......dri... drinking.
What the actual fuck. I immediately run to her and snatched the bottle.

Jimin : what the fuck you are doing huh are you in your senses.

Y/n : why were you here now huhh. When you treat me just like your responsibility and this marriage doesn't carry any love. So why do you care.

Jimin : y/n what are you talking huhh I love you babe.

Y/n : you said you regret marrying me, and you hate me. Now you are saying you love me after getting drunk.

Jimin : babe it's not like that but come lets go to our house. (Seen the luggage) wh.....what is this (pointing luggage) don't say this is yours.

Y/n : yes that's mine and go and live your life go i won't even question you. Who am I to do that. Anyway please get out of my room.

Jimin : babe please come with me. Iam sorry for that. I swear I will never say that again. Beat me and scold me but don't leave me. Come babe let's go.

Y/n : jimin why are you like this. You have been very lovely to me day before but seen now where we are. Jimin I made a mistake I expressed my feelings for you very early that's why today you are behaving like this with me.

Jimin : babe you didn't did anything mistake iam sorry babe iam just in some tension and I burst out on you.

Y/n : ok your in some tensions so what are you hiding what was that you are what??? Huhhh

Jimin : babe just calm down and listen to me we will go to our home and we will talk about this babe. Let's go come.

Y/n : will you tell me now or will you go to your house.

Jimin : yeah just sit down and here take this drink some water.

Y/n drank water and kept it aside.

Jimin plant a soft kiss on y/n forehead. Y/n felt like heaven.

Jimin : listen to me now and please don't get angry on me or something please babe. I will save you whatever the situation is this is my promise. I will be the one who will stand in front of you if the problem occurs.

Y/n hands became wet because of sweat and her ears and cheeks are red because of the tension and for real her legs are trembling with fear because she doesn't know what jimin is going tell but she understood that it's a very big thing.

Jimin : babe don't you believe me.

Y/n : huhh why are you asking that.

Jimin : because I can see your fear and the way your sweating.

Y/n : jimin if you love me or not I will always love you and i believe you more than myself because I have seen the pure love in your eyes when you talk to me.

Jimin : babe have you ever heard your oppa talking about DEAD DEVIL'S. I think you did.

Y/n : wh.....why are yo....you as... asking me about that now.

Jimin : babe don't get afraid. First of all don't shiver.

Y/n : ye... yeah iam alright bu...but i..iam af.. afraid jimin. You know wh..what that is....a....ma...mafia group and th...the leader of the group is very da.... dangerous. Oppa said to me about them and I have once seen them in an alley they are shooting some other gang but when I have seen the leader of that group iam afraid he....he had tatoos on his hands and he looks very dangerous. But i couldn't see his face because it's covered by his mask.

Jimin : babe iam the leader of that group. Iam the one about whome you mentioned just now. I am the leader of DEAD DEVIL'S MAFIA GROUP.

Y/n shocked. And got up from the bed and moved away from me.

Jimin : babe please don't go away from me please. Come to y/n.

Y/n came to her senses and she slowly walked near him but she is afraid to go close to him.

Jimin : babe I won't do anything to you I won't harm you please understand me and come to me i promise babe i will be with you forever. Please come to me babe I can't take this distance.

Y/n : jimin i totally understand you but is oppa also in this mafia things. Did unnie know about this.

Jimin : yeah hyung is also apart of it and yes jishnu know about it. And i even said to your appa also about this.

Y/n : ooo ok. All your friends are the members of this.

Jimin : yes. Mr. Min is if opposite gang RED DRAGONS.

Y/n : yeah I knew about it. He is a monster. He will kill everyone he won't even spare little kids I know about him. Such a bastard.

Jimin : I wanna ask you something but I will ask it after going home.

Y/n : ok but jimin iam afraid what if something happens to you. What if I di.. (before she say further jimin covered her mouth with his hands)

Jimin : never say that babe i can't live without you see morning you fight with me and see now iam here. I can't babe. I just can't live without you. I love you.

Y/n : I love you more jimin (hugged him)

Jimin : I love you more babe. I love you forever. (Kissed her forehead) it feels heaven when I kiss you on forehead.

Y/n blushed after sometime they went down it's almost 11:00 in the night.

Jishnu : hey oppa come on guys I will serve you dinner. Let's eat.

Y/n : you didn't eat till now.

Namjoon : not yet princess waiting for you lest go iam hungry.

Y/n : ok. I am sorry guys because of us you guys stayed up till now.

Jishnu : it's ok but when did you started apologizing.

Y/n : I have to.....

Jishnu : ok leave it. Eat now.

Y/n : ok. Chim eat what are you thinking about.

Jimin : nothing babe. Yeah iam eating.

They all ate food and they went to living room.

Y/n : oppa do you guys have mission tomorrow.

Namjoon : yeah. Did he said about mafia thing to you.

Y/n : yeah he did. I am afraid at first but i believe him more than anything so no need to be afraid of anything.

Namjoon : that's great princess. Iam happy.

Y/n : but......iam angry on you.

Namjoon : why princess. (Shocked)

Y/n : because you didn't said you are also apart of it and you didn't tell me the truth.

Namjoon : iam sorry princess but i really don't want you to get afraid.

Y/n : it's ok. We are leaving

Namjoon : you both can go tomorrow morning

Y/n : no need we will go now. I have soo much work

Namjoon : ok your wish

Both jimin and y/n left from there.


Hey guys, hope you all are doing good. Here is the next story. Our tae tae has realised the song. I can't  just can't get over. Enjoy it guys.


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