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After saying their goodbyes in front of the library, Joshua felt much better, as if he was floating. He had received news from his friends that Jeonghan had just experienced a calcium deficiency and it wasn't anything serious, which helped him feel even more relieved. As he headed home, his phone vibrated in his pocket, receiving a call that he immediately answered, causing a smile to spread across his face.

"Junnie!" Joshua exclaimed excitedly and stopped on a bench to continue the conversation.

"Shua!! I missed you! What are you doing? Are you home?"

'Uhh...' a little confused and caught off guard by his friend's question, Joshua pauses for a moment. 'Not yet, but I'll be there in about 10 minutes. Why?'

'I happened to be in the area and my car broke down, and I have no way to get back home tonight because everything is closed for repairs.'

Joshua furrows his brow slightly and stands up from the bench, starting to walk in the direction of his apartment.

'What are you doing around here? Wasn't your university on the other side of Seoul? It takes you at least 2 hours to get here from there.'

'Ahh, sure, please let me come over tonight and I promise I'll explain everything.' Jun from the other end uses his cute and persuasive voice, and Joshua can already imagine that adorable face with those big puppy eyes.

Joshua gives in and welcomes him into his apartment knowing that his roomate won't come home for the night. After all, they haven't seen each other in a while and they definitely have a lot to catch up on since their last farewell 2 years ago.

The two meet at a nearby neighborhood store and decide to buy some beers and snacks to enjoy for the evening. Once they arrive at Joshua's place, they sit on the floor around the coffee table, placing the beers on the table. They clink their first cans together, starting to share the memories they had together when they lived in the same neighborhood during their childhood. Joshua already felt his throat getting hot, as well as his ears, a sign that the alcohol was starting to take effect on him. "Shua, I've fallen in love," Jun says after a small dramatic pause, during which Joshua took one last sip but choked, spitting on the floor due to coughing.

After recovering, with wide and amazed eyes, he looks at Jun, who didn't seem to be joking at all. "You?! The king of flirting? Did someone sweep you off your feet? I can't believe it, I must be dreaming." Joshua pales but it's absolutely true.

In the 12 years they've known each other, Jun has never once been in love with a sexual partner. Physically attracted? Yes, always. But never emotionally.

"Who is this person? Tell me more, don't let me die like this!" Joshua pulls his knees to his chest, excited.

Apparently, Jun and the person who swept them off their feet met at a dance competition where they were rivals. At first, Jun was convinced that this person had the most horrible personality, always ready to have a comeback, criticize, and judge everything around them. Plus, the dirty looks they gave to other participants didn't make them pleasant either. It was the complete opposite of Jun. That was until they stepped on stage and showed that they were truly better than anyone else on Earth. The grace with which they moved their limbs, twisted their body, and effortlessly conveyed so many emotions through their dance moves made Jun fall in love instantly. They felt that this person was the chosen one and that they would go to the ends of the earth to conquer them. But when the judging and prize distribution ended, the person simply disappeared.

After listening to the whole story with great attention, Joshua had tears welling up in his eyes. He felt as if Jun was his child and had just taken their first steps in life. He wraps his arms around Jun's neck in a warm embrace, and Jun wraps their arms around Joshua's waist, laughing.

"I think you've had a little too much to drink, Joshua. You should take a shower and go to bed, I'll handle things here." Joshua nods, feeling truly dizzy.

During the shower, his mind was only filled with the image of Seokmin sleeping with his head on the table, feeling something blooming in his heart. He thinks about what Jun described and compares the two situations, trying to figure out if it's the same for him. Letting the pressure of the water trickle down his spine, a sequence flashes in his mind, an image of a completely naked Seokmin, in all his glory, sleeping just as adorably in Joshua's tousled bed. Sun rays sneak through the blinds, kissing the boy's honey-like skin. He watches as Seokmin groggily opens his eyes and half-sleepily smiles, leaning in for a kiss.

Joshua suddenly opens his eyes, his breath catching and his heart desperately seeking an escape from his chest. He stares at the result of his wild imagination...

After a few more minutes in the bathroom, Joshua emerges feeling completely refreshed. He sees Jun on his phone, immediately taking it back.

"What are you saying there? And who did you call at this hour?" Joshua pushes Jun, who was getting stickier, searching through the recent callers list. When he sees the little emoji at the end of the list, Seokmin's emoji (🧸 because it reminded him of him, that's why he saved it like that in his phone), Joshua drops the phone on the floor.

"What did you say?" Joshua turns around and grabs Jun by the collar, causing him to stumble because he too was dizzy from the alcohol.

"Nothing? I just asked who it was because they didn't leave their name in the message, and you didn't have them saved with a name in your contacts. Why did you give him a cute emoji, while I'm just 'Moon Junhui' in your phone, huh?" Jun pouts, crossing his arms over his chest.

Joshua picks up his phone from the floor and enters the conversation with Seokmin, reading his message. He facepalms and lets himself fall back onto the bed, tossing his phone onto the nightstand.

"Go take a shower, I'll make your bed on the floor."

Jun follows the given orders without opposing. Joshua stares blankly at the ceiling, trying to figure out how serious the situation is. The guy he likes finally gathers the courage after 2 years to invite him to the city, and it ends badly when a friend plays the curious one, causing misunderstandings. Joshua rubs his eyes with the back of his hands, sighing deeply. He needs to resolve this misunderstanding and make it clear to Seokmin that there is nothing between him and Jun other than strict friendship. And he needs to do it as soon as possible.

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