ch. 5

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Joshua was startled and confused by a loud noise, like a truck horn, that woke him up. He realized it was Jun's phone alarm. Joshua turned off the aggressive sound and nudged his friend, who seemed unfazed. He had set the alarm for the time when the tire shop opened to drop off his car for repairs. After Jun leaves his car somewhere nearby at a repair garage, the two decide to go to the café next to campus, as it's the only one open at that hour. Joshua was feeling terrible from a hangover and lack of sleep due to Jun's snoring. Meanwhile, Joshua's friend was wide awake and full of energy, which made him even more exhausted.

'Why are you so pale, did you not sleep last night?' Jun embraces Joshua from behind, resting his chin on Joshua's shoulder.

Joshua sighs and rolls his eyes, gently removing Jun's hands as they were getting in the way of walking.

'I just need a coffee, please be quiet until we get there.' Joshua rubs his temples, hoping it will alleviate his pounding headache.

Used to Jun's clingy personality, Joshua doesn't even notice when Jun wraps an arm around his waist and leads the way, feeling slightly better from the warmth Jun emits. Once they arrive at the café, they head towards the counter where Mingyu is behind the cash register.

'Good morning! What can I serve you?' The employee's wide and friendly smile disappears in an instant when their gaze meets Joshua's. Confused, he try to ignore the gesture, thinking it's too early even for him to be nice to customers. Suddenly, Joshua feels the weight of Jun pressing harder against him, chin on his shoulder once again, looking at the menu. Jun now has both arms around Joshua's waist and is completely pressed against his taller frame. Too tired to react, Joshua places his usual order, waiting for his friend to decide. Meanwhile, the jingle of the café's entrance bells announces the arrival of new customers, and Joshua immediately recognizes the laughter that fills the still-empty place. His eyes widen, blood pulsing in his cheeks, and his heart begins to race. He turns and makes eye contact with a Seokmin who was stopped just two steps from the entrance, with Minghao in front of him. Everything seems to freeze, Joshua trying to read Seokmin's reaction as he just stares blankly. No greeting or smile, no emotion in his gaze. After a few moments, Joshua gives a faint smile as he tries to wave at him, but Seokmin turns his back, his hand on the door handle.

"Hao, I left my wallet at home." He walks out of the cafe, with Minghao following him immediately after a brief exchange of glances with Mingyu.

'Suddenly, I also lost my appetite for coffee.' Minghao doesn't leave the cafe without making a biting comment that makes Joshua feel like he wants the ground to swallow him whole.

"SHUA, WE FOUND HIM!" Jun's excited voice calling out startles Joshua, making him even more embarrassed. He signals for Jun to be quiet and then apologizes to Mingyu with a quick bow.
He takes Jun by the wrist and sits at a table, waiting for their order to arrive.

"Who did you find?" Joshua massages his temples again, this time also his forehead.

"The charming prince from last night!" Jun's eyes sparkled with happiness.

'Seokmin?!' Joshua whispered, trying to keep calm but the news completely wakes him up from his daze.

"That's his name?" Jun looked at him confused, unsure of his answer. "I thought it was something that starts with M."

"Minghao?" Suddenly Joshua's heart calms down, hoping Jun would confirm. He takes out his phone and stalk  into Seokmin's account, sure that he would find a picture with Minghao because he knew how much Seokmin loved capturing every moment and posting it on social media.

"YES, IT'S HIM!" Jun snatches Joshua's phone to zoom in on Minghao's face.

In the height of happiness, Jun tightly hugs Joshua, leaving a kiss on his cheek. Coincidentally, Joshua's gaze meets Mingyu's behind the counter, who seemed disappointed by everything he saw.

The two friends finish their coffees, Jun continuously talking about how wonderful Minghao is and begging Joshua to tell him more about him, even though they didn't know each other that well. A short call notifies Jun that the car is ready, so Joshua gets up and heads to the counter to pay for their drinks. There was a strange tension between him and Mingyu.

"Jun is not my boyfriend," Joshua blurts out without even thinking, just speaking without filter.

"I didn't ask anything, and I don't care," Mingyu doesn't even look up at Joshua. It's clear that he's close friends with Minghao because his comment has the same effect. "Your total is 21.65."

Joshua nods, keeping his gaze on the ground, then pays without any further interaction with Mingyu.

"Take care on the road, okay?" Joshua stands on the edge of the sidewalk, leaning to reach the open window.

Jun nods and waves to his friend, revving the engine and disappearing from Joshua's sight in a matter of moments.

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