ch. 36

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The week that Joshua ignored him felt like an eternity for Seokmin. Each passing day weighed heavily on his heart, leaving him with a sense of emptiness and confusion. The once vibrant and affectionate connection they shared had been replaced by a deafening silence, and Seokmin couldn't help but question every aspect of their relationship.

Feelings of self-doubt gnawed at Seokmin's mind. He wondered if he had done something wrong, if he had unknowingly pushed Joshua away. The absence of any explanation or communication from Joshua only fueled his insecurities, leaving him to question his worth and place in Joshua's life.

Seokmin's thoughts became consumed with a whirlwind of emotions. He felt a mix of anger, hurt, and sadness, all intertwined with a deep longing for answers. He replayed their last interactions in his mind, searching for any signs or clues that could shed light on Joshua's sudden withdrawal.

Days turned into sleepless nights as Seokmin's mind raced with countless scenarios. He wondered if Joshua had found someone else, if their love had lost its spark, or if there was a deeper, hidden reason behind Joshua's silence. The uncertainty ate away at Seokmin's peace of mind, leaving him feeling lost and adrift in a sea of unanswered questions.

Throughout that agonizing week, Seokmin's heartache grew, and he found himself yearning for the comfort and reassurance that only Joshua could provide. The silence between them became a constant reminder of the void in Seokmin's life, leaving him desperate for resolution and closure.

As the days dragged on, Seokmin's emotions fluctuated between hope and despair. He clung to the memories of their love, desperately hoping that Joshua's silence was merely a temporary setback. But with each passing day, the weight of uncertainty grew heavier, and Seokmin couldn't help but fear that their once beautiful relationship was slipping through his fingers.

Consumed by a suffocating sense of despair, Seokmin's heart pounded in his chest, a foreboding chill coursing through his veins. It was as if the very air around him had turned heavy with an impending catastrophe. Refusing to accept the devastating truth that Joshua had vanished, Seokmin's desperation reached its peak, propelling him to take drastic measures in his search for his beloved.

With trembling hands, Seokmin activated the tracking feature they had agreed upon, reserved for dire emergencies. As the screen flickered to life, a surge of hope mingled with dread coursed through him. The green dot representing Joshua's location glowed ominously on the airport map, a beacon of both solace and despair.

Time seemed to stand still as Seokmin's mind raced, grappling with the unfathomable reality before him. It felt like a twisted nightmare, a cruel illusion that would dissipate with the first rays of morning light. But deep down, he knew this was no dream. This was his worst fear come to life.

Without a moment's hesitation, Seokmin propelled himself forward, bursting through the door with a determination fueled by love and desperation. The world around him blurred into a frenzied whirlwind as he sprinted down the streets, his pounding footsteps echoing the frantic rhythm of his racing heart. Each stride propelled him closer to the truth, yet he couldn't shake the nagging thought that this couldn't be real. It simply couldn't.

But as Seokmin raced against time, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of emotions, he knew that he had to find Joshua. For in the depths of his soul, Seokmin held onto a flicker of hope, a glimmer of belief that their love would conquer all obstacles, even in the face of unimaginable darkness.

Seokmin's heart pounded in his chest as he raced through the bustling airport, his eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of Joshua. Panic gripped him tightly, his mind filled with a whirlwind of questions. Why would Joshua leave without saying anything? Had he found someone else? Was their relationship not as strong as Seokmin had believed?

As he approached the departure gate, a glimmer of hope flickered within Seokmin. He spotted a familiar phone lying abandoned on a nearby bench. With trembling hands, he picked it up, his heart pounding even louder in his ears. It was Joshua's phone, unmistakably. The screen displayed missed calls and messages from concerned friends and family.

Seokmin's mind raced with possibilities. Had Joshua left his phone behind intentionally? Was he trying to send a message? Or was it simply a careless mistake in the midst of his hurried departure? Seokmin's grip tightened on the phone, his determination growing stronger.

With renewed purpose, Seokmin decided to delve deeper into the mystery. He would find answers, no matter the cost. As he clutched Joshua's phone tightly, he vowed to follow the breadcrumbs left behind, hoping they would lead him to the truth and, perhaps, to the man he loved.

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