ch. 29

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With each passing moment, Seokmin felt his morality evaporating from his body. Meanwhile, he had gotten rid of his boxers and was lying in bed in Joshua's arms, their pelvises rubbing against each other. It was such an intimate and fragile moment between the two, with hot moans and gasps blending into one. Joshua's hands traveled across his back, leaving scratches on his tense muscles. Seokmin lowered a hand between their abdomens, gripping both erect members and began stroking their entire length. Joshua placed his hand over his, making eye contact for a few moments and with a shy smile, initiated a kiss. The intensity of the movement in their wrists increased, and they both released almost simultaneously, their moans echoing between their lips. They pause for a few moments to catch their breath, Joshua's body becoming more sensitive with each touch. After a while, Seokmin gets up on his knees, taking the first condom from the nightstand.

"Are you sure you want to do this? It's totally okay if you don't feel like it, we can stop anytime, hyung." Seokmin looks at Joshua, who is looking at him with a sweet smile, nodding in agreement.

Seokmin tears open the package and puts the piece of latex on his fully erect penis.

"It must be nice to be young." Joshua watches the whole scene, his gaze fixed on Seokmin's member, his joke easing the tension a bit.

Joshua lies back again, allowing Seokmin to spread his knees and moisten his anal entrance with the excess lubricant from the condom. Seokmin looks up at Joshua once again, making sure that the other boy is ready.

"I'm gonna do it really slowly, I promise." Seokmin inserts the tip of his penis into the boy's opening, which tightens around it.

He sees Joshua take a deep breath, clenching his jaw, likely feeling only pain from the sensation. Seokmin waits for a few moments for him to adjust to the situation, leaning his body over Joshua's to be able to embrace him.

"Hyung, try to relax a bit more." Seokmin starts placing wet kisses on Joshua's shoulder, moving down towards his collarbone, then heading towards his neck.

Joshua begins to regulate his breathing, Seokmin feeling the walls of the anus becoming softer, allowing the member to continue entering. After fully inserting it, Seokmin initiates a passionate kiss to which Joshua eagerly responds. He starts moving his pelvis slowly, back and forth, emphasizing depth more than speed in penetrating the opening. Joshua's nails dig into Seokmin's shoulder skin, his moans intensifying with each movement, resonating throughout the room.

After a while, Joshua's pain is replaced with the sweet sensation of satisfaction, and Seokmin gathers the courage to slightly accelerate the movements of his pelvis. No matter how much he tries to remain calm, in such a situation, no one would succeed. He changes his position, getting back on his knees and lifting Joshua's legs onto his shoulders, placing a pillow under the boy's back to elevate his hips higher. He holds Joshua's legs with one hand, bringing them closer, and his entrance tightens even more around his erection. Seokmin utters curses through his teeth, accompanied by muffled moans and gasps. He begins to kiss the calf of Joshua's leg, fixing his gaze on Joshua, who looks increasingly erotic and sexy, arousing him. Seokmin suddenly slaps the boy's buttocks with his pelvis, hitting his sweet spot. Joshua lets out a short, sharp moan, his body starting to tremble, chaotic whitish and sticky liquid coming out from his member. Seokmin smirks, his mind occupied only by impure thoughts, his movements suddenly changing rhythm. Now that he knows where it is, Seokmin hits Joshua's prostate, overstimulating him. The moans blend with screams, Joshua arching his back and rolling his eyes back. The boy's anus goes wild, pulsating and tightening around Seokmin's member, the sensation bringing him closer to ejaculation. He leans over Joshua again, embracing him, when suddenly a loud bang is heard from outside, the sky starting to be illuminated by fireworks. Their light enters the room, allowing Seokmin to see Joshua's face better, and even in moments like these, Joshua looks like the most beautiful person on the planet. Seokmin brings his lips closer to Joshua's, whispering over them.

"Happy new year, hyung."

Seokmin feels Joshua's member trapped between their abdomens as he releases a new series of sperm, his body trembling again. Unable to control himself, with one last intense movement, Seokmin lets go into the condom, moaning Joshua's name through his teeth. He pulls out his member, getting rid of the condom after tying it and throwing it on the floor. He returns to Joshua, who turns his face towards the window. Seokmin embraces him from behind, pulling a sheet over their bodies. The atmosphere in the room was something Seokmin had no comparison for. The way their skin-to-skin contact felt, how they were both exhausted and sweaty but found comfort in each other's arms, how their breaths were still uneven, and their hearts beating so hard that they risked having a heart attack. Joshua wraps his hands around Seokmin's and after watching the fireworks together for the next few minutes, Joshua turns back to face Seokmin. His cheeks are red, and there are a few strands of sweat-stuck hair on his forehead, visibly tired, but he still manages to give Seokmin a sweet smile.

"Do you know what day it is today?" Joshua runs his hand through Seokmin's hair and tugs it gently.

"January 1st?" Seokmin raises his shoulders, confused.

"No, silly. Today is the day when the three-week period ends. When I have to give you an answer about what I want to do next."

"Ah..." Seokmin feels his heart drop into the void in his stomach. He swallows hard, immediately consumed by anxiety.

"I want to tell you a story before I give you the final answer." Joshua wraps his arms around Seokmin's waist and rests his head on the boy's chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I didn't have a bright past. I was abandoned as a child and left with my grandmother, who fell ill shortly after I arrived. I lived day by day and had to learn survival instincts at a young age while taking care of a helpless old woman. I worked hard to go to college, there were days when I only had half a slice of bread to eat and worked 18 hours. After my grandmother passed away three years ago, it was the shock of my life because she was the only family I had. That's when I fell into a black hole. I was in my first year of college, and I started hiding my sadness behind vices that ate away years of my life just to feel a few moments of euphoria that would help me forget my pathetic situation. I was vulnerable, and many took advantage of that. However, because I promised my grandmother that I would finish college, I dragged myself through existence. I kept it that way until I entered my third year of college. That's when I accidentally met a freshman who I had no idea would change the entire trajectory of my life. It all started with a simple, probably insignificant gesture for others, but for me, it meant the world. It was the day I had decided to end my suffering. I was heading towards the Han River where I was going to let my existence drown when suddenly a torrential rain started, but I continued on my way without letting it stop me. Then suddenly, it stopped. It stopped just above my head, and it was still pouring buckets, but above my head, there was an open umbrella. The person holding it had the stupidest smile possible, but it made my heart happy for the first time in 20 years. He gave me the umbrella and then ran, through the rain, with his backpack over his head. I never understood what was going on in his head, why he left his umbrella with a random stranger on the street just to run through the rain and get soaking wet. But that gesture saved my life, Seokmin." Joshua's cheeks are soaked in tears, and when he looks up, Seokmin is in the same state, with a long face, which makes Joshua laugh a little.

Seokmin feels his cheeks being cupped in Joshua's hands, and the warm trails are wiped away by his fingers.

"You saved my life, Seokmin. There will never be words to express how much I care about you and how happy you make me with each passing day. You made me want to be the best version of myself just for you, and I will continue to do so. I have a lot of flaws, but I promise to try to fix them all. So, Seokmin, tonight my answer to you is: can I be your boyfriend?"

Seokmin bursts into tears even harder, holding Joshua tightly in his arms, repeatedly nodding his head affirmatively. The two boys stay embraced for a long time, Joshua trying to calm down Seokmin, who is still crying on his shoulder.

"Shua hyung, you're the most wonderful boyfriend in the world. We will make this relationship work until we have white hair on our heads and we're two old people with backaches, walking hand in hand in the park and playing chess all day on a bench."

Joshua bursts into laughter at Seokmin's childish yet adorable response, and the two of them start wiping each other's tears off their faces. Joshua kisses Seokmin, their feelings pouring into the slow movements of their lips, with passion and love guiding the entire kiss.

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