ch. 8

353 18 2

// joshua;

In the past few weeks, Joshua hasn't had the opportunity to meet up with Seokmin to clarify the misunderstanding, not even once. Mingyu and Minghao were always alone at the cafeteria, and when they asked if they had seen Seokmin, they shrugged unknowingly. Seokmin no longer responded to messages, and his social media account was deactivated. Joshua felt a heavy heart every time he thought about him, with a bitter taste on the tip of his tongue. The exam period is over now, and Joshua is less busy. He promised himself that he will do everything possible to find Seokmin.

After finishing his last exam, Joshua heads to the cafe where he was supposed to meet his best friend, Jeonghan, and his boyfriend. Maybe Seungcheol knew more about his brother and could help. As he enters the cafe, Seokmin's sweet voice and laughter immediately pierce Joshua's heart, making it flutter in his chest. He approaches the table of the three, excited that he finally found him, his cheeks unable to stop smiling.

"Look at our Seokmin! He's running like he has a date."

Joshua feels something heavy drop in the pit of his stomach. He swallows hard, the smile fading from his face, but he tries to mask it with a fake laugh. The two gazes meet for a few seconds, after the very short interaction before Seokmin left, and Joshua is defenseless in front of that boy's gaze , who doesn't even offer him a smile, leaving without looking back. Joshua takes a seat, feeling on the verge of tears, but remembers that he's in front of his friends, so he tries to hold back as best as he can. He misses Seokmin and wants him back the way he was before, full of life like a ray of sunshine in his life.

Joshua learns from the couple that Seokmin will be playing the lead role in the play, and although he wants to be as happy as he can for him, Joshua just feels his soul empty. He had read the script because Jihoon, his roommate, was the director. At the end, there would be a kiss, the classic cliché at the end of every romantic musical. In the following week, Joshua sees Seokmin more and more, this time, always surrounded by the rest of the theater group.

And every time, Seokmin seemed genuinely happy. But Joshua's attention is captured by the young woman who would be Seokmin's partner, Cha-young. She was shorter than him, with long silky hair, a small face, and pleasant features, known to be the most popular among the girls in her year. Everyone wanted a chance with her. And the fact that Seokmin actually had one filled Joshua's heart with pure jealousy. The girl was always hanging onto Seokmin's arm wherever they went, and the boy didn't seem bothered by it at all.

"If you keep looking at poor Cha-young like that, I'm sure a hole will appear right in the middle of her forehead." Jihoon places his tray next to Joshua's, taking a seat beside him.

"Why don't you stay with them?" Joshua takes a bite of chicken, still fixated on that group.

"They're too noisy, I don't like it. Plus, I have something to ask you."

"You couldn't ask me at home? You don't even greet me in public, and now you suddenly come and sit next to me."

"Get over it, I don't greet anyone, and you're not any more special."

"Jihoon, we've been living together for 3 years."

"So what?" Jihoon shrugs, not understanding where Joshua is going with this as if it wasn't obvious. He clears his throat and resumes his posture. "As I was saying, I need your help for the festival. For the opening, we only have Soonyoung's dance group and one ballet number. I would need at least one more performance before the theater group's musical."

"Absolutely not." Joshua tries to get up, but Jihoon grabs him and pulls him back down. For someone his height, you can be sure he was very strong.

"Listen. I really need this, and you're my only hope. Please help me."

For the first time in their acquaintance, Jihoon used the word with an "p."

"But what about Seungwan? He sings much better than me."

"You can move out of the house until I arrive." Jihoon suddenly stands up, and Joshua catches him around the waist, pulling him back.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it. I'll sing, but I need you to get me a guitar."

Jihoon turns around and smiles widely, Joshua seeing him so happy for the first time. They say goodbye, and then Joshua stays and finishes his lunch.

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