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"I'm so scared of Joshua's current state..." Jeonghan was visiting them, sitting on the couch, tears streaming down his face while Seungcheol was by his side, trying to console him, gently stroking his back. Seokmin was in the room with them, listening to the whole story. Jeonghan was extremely worried about his best friend's condition, and no matter how much they talked, it didn't seem to help. Seokmin only knew Joshua through Jeonghan's occasional stories, where he revealed their honest friendship and how much he appreciated Joshua and how compatible they were. He was his ride or die.

Lately, Joshua was going through a phase from which it seemed like there was no escape. He refused to open up to Jeonghan and just drowned himself in alcohol, vices, and destructive intimate relationships. Jeonghan tried everything in his power to bring Joshua back, but he just refused, saying he had everything under control even though he didn't.

Seokmin had just finished his classes that day and was heading towards the dorm when, on the way, while looking at his phone for directions, he bumped into someone with his shoulder.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going-"

But when he turns around, he realizes that the person he bumped into didn't even pay him any attention. They were staggering, probably under the influence of alcohol, so it was better that he didn't react to what happened. Seokmin decides to continue on his way, but a feeling forms in his stomach, as if he shouldn't have done that. Suddenly, it starts pouring rain, and he immediately takes out his umbrella. On instinct, he turns back and looks at the silhouette of the person he just bumped into, noticing that they don't even have the slightest reaction to it. He feels his feet start to move on their own, starting to run in the direction of the person from earlier. "At least this is something I can do since I bumped into him." Seokmin thinks and then hands over his umbrella, running through the rain towards a sheltered place.

Seokmin wakes up, shivering, the memory of their first meeting playing in his mind as he looks at Joshua peacefully sleeping in his arms. A smile forms on Seokmin's lips, feeling happier than ever to have Joshua in his embrace, pulling him closer and holding him tighter, leaving a small kiss on the boy's forehead before going back to sleep.


The next morning, Joshua is woken up by Seokmin's soft kisses covering his entire face. Sleepy and still groggy, Joshua mumbles a bit and wraps his arms around the boy's waist, hiding his face from the sun's rays, against Seokmin's chest.

"Come on, sleepyhead, breakfast is ready." Seokmin strokes Joshua's bare back, smiling at his tousled hair as he sits up to lean against the pillows.

Seokmin takes the tray prepared from the nightstand and places it on Joshua's lap. After rubbing his eyes for a few moments to shake off sleep, Joshua discovers that the tray holds the most beautiful and appetizing breakfast he has ever had. Everything looks delicious and smells equally delightful. With a sparkle in his eyes, Joshua looks at Seokmin excitedly and starts eating immediately.

"Thank you for the meal!" Joshua tries every dish, ending up with cheeks too full and chewing slowly.

Seokmin looks at him adoringly, gently pinching one of his cheeks.

"You're so adorable, hyung." Seokmin can't resist anymore and leans towards Joshua, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

Joshua's cheeks immediately blush, but this time he's not shy to show Seokmin the effect he has on him. Joshua giggles and turns his other cheek, allowing Seokmin to kiss him again. After breakfast, the two spend the entire morning together in bed, wrapped in each other's arms, sharing sweet kisses and stories about each other. Joshua feels incredibly happy in Seokmin's presence, feeling loved and appreciated for the first time, listened to and understood. A new feeling blossoms in his chest, his heart skipping a beat every time the thought of loving Seokmin crosses his mind. "Do you want to go for a little walk?" Seokmin suggests as the sun was preparing to set.

Joshua nods, already feeling a bit numb from lying in bed no matter how much he loved doing it with Seokmin. He dresses appropriately for the weather, with Seokmin making sure he's well wrapped in a scarf, and they head towards the park where Seokmin first confessed his feelings. Joshua's fingers intertwine with Seokmin's, their hands swaying between them as they walk around the lake. Once they reach a pier, Seokmin wraps his arms around Joshua's shoulders, pulling him close to his chest.

"Are you cold?" Seokmin laughs at Joshua's red nose, which looks like Rudolph's.

Annoyed, Joshua playfully flicks Seokmin's nose, which looks just like his, but he didn't comment on it.

"If you're going to be mean, just know that your nose is running." Joshua breaks free from the embrace and nudges Seokmin slightly, heading towards the edge of the pier where they could better admire the frozen scenery of the park.

He hears Seokmin staying behind and blowing his nose into a tissue, then feels his waist being embraced again after a few moments. Seokmin rests his chin on Joshua's shoulder as they gaze at the white-painted scene in front of them. Taking advantage of Seokmin's distraction, Joshua picks up some snow from the railing and throws it in Seokmin's face. Startled, Seokmin lets go of Joshua to wipe his eyes, and Joshua runs a little further ahead, preparing another snowball. Once recovered, Seokmin starts running towards Joshua, who throws the snowball and, scared, starts running as well. They begin throwing snowballs at each other, their laughter harmonizing and filling the entire area. Seokmin was covered in snow, while Joshua somehow managed to dodge all of his attacks. In a final move, Seokmin toppled Joshua into the snow, falling on top of him. Exhausted, they both stay like that for a few moments, giggling until they catch their breath. Joshua presses his frozen lips against Seokmin's, which are equally cold, but in their kiss, they warm each other up. Joshua feels that same overwhelming feeling filling his entire chest again, making him feel like he's floating.

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