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Seokmin lay in bed, staring at the ceiling of his bedroom for over 2 hours. He felt stupid because for a few seconds, he actually thought he had a chance with Joshua. He felt bad for taking advantage of the boy's kindness and confusing it with something more than it deserved. That phone call was a reality check that he wasn't anything special and that's why he never succeeded in winning Joshua over. He planned to give up on his feelings, now aware that Joshua was in a relationship and that he had no other chance. It was foolish, though, that in two years since he first met Joshua and his heart skipped a beat, he hadn't even once managed to invite him out where it would just be the two of them. The bedroom door suddenly opens, and Mingyu and Minghao burst in, followed by Seungwan, who stops at the doorframe, leaning against it. It seems like he informed the friends about Seokmin's state.

"Aigoo, look at those swollen eyes!" Mingyu jumps onto the bed, forgetting about its size, and holds Seokmin's cheeks between his palms, examining his face closely.

"It makes you even uglier now," Minghao pulls the chair from the desk, and Mingyu nods in agreement, followed by Seungwan.

Offended, Seokmin stands up, leaning against the edge of the bed, with his arms crossed over his chest. After making eye contact with each of them, he bursts into tears again, hiding his face in a pillow. All three of them join Seokmin in bed, embracing him and trying to calm him down, allowing him to release as much as he needs. After a few more moments, Wonwoo, the middle brother, appears at the door, holding a few bags in his hand, containing all of Seokmin's favorite snacks. They didn't see each other often, but Wonwoo and Seokmin were always mistaken for twins, even though there was a one-year age difference between them. They were very close, and anyone would envy their relationship.

"Hyung!.." Seokmin stands up from the middle of the three and steps over them to reach Wonwoo's arms, who holds him tightly, immediately placing the bags on the floor to be able to comfort him. Seokmin sniffs, wiping away the tears among sobs, then separates from the embrace. "I missed you."

"Hehe, is that why you're crying, you little snot?" with a calm voice, he gently and affectionately wipes away his tears.

Seokmin chuckles softly and nods. Wonwoo was a pilot and often went on flights, and when he was free, Seokmin was busy with college. As they turn back to Seokmin's friends, Mingyu stands up at the edge of the bed, standing tall and stiff, surprising both Seokmin and his brother.

"Shall we go eat what you brought?" Minghao gets up from the bed and heads towards the two brothers, picking up the bags from the floor. Everyone's attention is distracted from Mingyu's strange reaction, and they all head to the living room, where they gather around the coffee table. Seungwan tells everything to Wonwoo, who simply nods, occasionally adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. After a few moments of everyone giving encouragement to Seokmin, Wonwoo receives a call informing him that he has another flight in 5 hours, so he apologizes and says goodbye to the boys. A few minutes later, Mingyu also bids farewell to his friends, having to leave early due to work where he starts his shift early the next morning.

Minghao stays overnight with the two boys, and they ended the evening with a horror movie. Of course, they got so scared that all three of them slept in Seokmin's bed.


At the sight of Wonwoo at the door, Mingyu's mind instantly freezes. He was always the worst in tense situations and had no talent for lying, which is why he always avoided being in the same vicinity as Wonwoo. Minghao immediately reacts and gets him out of the predicament, diverting all attention to himself, and Mingyu manages to breathe a sigh of relief. He avoids eye contact with the eldest, busying himself in the kitchen while Wonwoo is filled in on what happened. After receiving the news that he had to leave earlier, Mingyu can't help but feel a little sad because he knew he wouldn't see him for another 2-3 weeks. A few minutes later, Mingyu receives a new message from Wonwoo.

"I'm in the parking lot, waiting for you."
These words make Mingyu's heart leap in his chest. He immediately says goodbye to his friends, running down the stairs without waiting for the elevator. Once in the parking lot, Mingyu scans the area for the boy's black car, seeing him waiting with a wide smile and open arms, the one he's madly in love with. He runs again, giggling until their bodies come together in a tight embrace.

"I missed you." Wonwoo breaks the ice, and his words only bring butterflies to Mingyu's stomach, feeling his cheeks flush.

"And I missed you too." Mingyu's lips are suddenly crushed by the impatient pair of Wonwoo's, whose hands slide from his waist down to his butt. Mingyu flinches when he feels them and immediately pushes him away, looking around paranoid, scared that someone might have seen them.

"Don't ever do that again. I'll have a heart attack because of you one day." Mingyu hits him on the shoulder and sulks off to the car. Arriving at Wonwoo's apartment, the two couldn't resist wanting more of each other. Fiery kisses and passionate touches lead them to the bedroom, leaving a trail of discarded clothes on the floor until they were completely naked at their destination. Although Mingyu felt that Wonwoo was rushing too much, he didn't contest the pleasure that surged through his entire body, trying to empty his mind of anything else to fully belong to the moment.

Hours later, Mingyu looked out the window at the sky slowly brightening with the coming day, hearing the birds starting to sing their melodies. He runs his fingertips along the arm that Wonwoo wraps around his waist, while with his other hand, he plays with his tousled hair.

"Why aren't you sleeping? We still have at least two hours until we have to wake up," sleepily says Wonwoo, speaking from Mingyu's chest.

"How much longer do you think we need to hide from Seokmin? Don't you think he has the right to know about all of this?" Mingyu's voice is whispered, but Wonwoo wakes up completely, sitting up to see Mingyu's face better.
Wonwoo sighs and gently cups his lover's cheek in his palm, stroking it softly with his thumb.

'Soon, I promise. Just have a little patience, okay? I'll tell him when I find a good moment. Right now, after all the failed crush business, I don't think he needs that on his mind.'

Mingyu agrees, kissing the back of the hand that had caressed his cheek. Wonwoo leans in and kisses his forehead, then pulls him into his arms, the two of them falling asleep, skin to skin, for the next few hours.

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