ch. 34

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Months later , Seokmin had just finished his final exam and hurriedly left the university building to head towards the campus fountain where he had agreed to meet Joshua after the exam. Seeing his unmistakable silhouette from a distance, a wide smile appeared on Seokmin's face as he took bigger steps. As he got closer, he noticed that Joshua was in the middle of a phone call, visibly nervous, which was unusual to see him in that state. Although Seokmin reached a distance where he could clearly hear what was happening, Joshua was speaking in another language, probably English, which Seokmin wasn't very good at, so he couldn't understand what was going on. He stood behind him a few steps away, deciding not to disturb him until he finished the call. Eventually, he does, and Joshua is so frustrated and visibly upset after that call that Seokmin freezes for a few moments.

When Joshua turns around and their eyes meet, Joshua startles, letting out a long, heavy sigh. Suddenly, all the frustration and despair from before disappears, replaced by the same calm and affectionate smile he had on his face every day.

"Oh, Seokmin! Have you arrived already? How was the exam?" Joshua's body presses against Seokmin's, wrapping his arms around him in a brief hug.

"Are you okay?" Seokmin holds onto Joshua's shoulders as he pulls back and looks at him with concern.

Joshua pauses for a few moments, and Seokmin can read on his face how the mask he was wearing began to crack. But once again, the boy's smile appears on his lips, erasing any doubts.

"Yeah, don't worry. They were just scammers, nothing more." Joshua reaches out, taking the boy's hand in his and brings it to his lips, leaving a brief kiss on the back of his hand.

It was the end of spring. Since the temperatures started rising and melting the piles of snow, allowing nature to come back to life, Seokmin and Joshua had been longing to go on a picnic. But they were horribly busy.

Joshua had to work on his thesis while Seokmin was constantly caught up in projects and rehearsals for the acting club. Meanwhile, Mingyu and Wonwoo went on a 2-week vacation to Japan and returned like honeymooning couples. The relationship between the three of them had become closer and more sincere, without secrets or fears between them.

"Where are we going?" Seokmin asks as he get into Joshua's car, buckling his seatbelt in the passenger seat.

"Don't ask questions, my dear. Just be patient." Joshua starts the engine and before driving off, he leans over and plants a soft kiss on Seokmin's cheek.

Although Seokmin should be used to those little affectionate gestures from Joshua by now, he couldn't help but feel his cheeks and the tips of his ears blush with each gesture from his beloved.

On the way, Seokmin is captivated, sharing with Joshua the most random stories, facts, and anecdotes. He doesn't even realize Joshua's hand resting on his thigh. He briefly sees the sign that they're leaving the city but remembers not to ask any more questions, so he decides to enjoy the surprise. A few hours later, they arrive somewhere on the outskirts of a village, which adds even more confusion to Seokmin's mind. He gets out of the car and sees Joshua taking a backpack out of the trunk and putting it on his back.

"I know you told me not to ask questions, but... Umh... Where are we?" Seokmin asks.

Joshua just chuckles and continues ahead without giving Seokmin an answer. Seokmin shouts after him, asking him to wait and not leave him behind. After climbing hundreds of steps and hills among the villagers' houses, Seokmin feels like his legs are about to give out. He starts complaining to Joshua, who seems unaffected by all the effort so far.

"Come on, we're almost there, I promise." Joshua stops and extends his hand to Seokmin, smiling widely, that specific smile that makes Seokmin's heart flutter every time he sees it.

He takes his hand in his own, continuing to follow Joshua, who, once they reach an almost unrecognizable path, watches as Seokmin is pulled through some bushes that pinch and poke him from all sides. Just when he was about to say that he gives up and wants to turn back, Seokmin looks up and feels his breath catch for a few moments. In front of him, the entire village stretches out, encompassing the beauty of the area far away from the noise and chaos of the city.

"Sorry it took so long, but I've been wanting to bring you here for a while." Joshua smiles softly, setting his backpack down as he walks towards a worn wooden table. He takes out a tablecloth from his backpack and begins to take out containers of food from the other pockets.

Seokmin was so excited and surprised by the surprise that he didn't know how to react, so he comes up behind Joshua, who was busy setting up the table, and wraps his arms around his waist, resting his chin on his shoulder. He kisses the skin of his neck, seeing Joshua start to giggle from the ticklish sensation.

"Do you like it?" After finishing, Joshua turns to face Seokmin, putting his arms around his neck.

"I absolutely adore it. When did you have time to think about all this? To prepare everything and find this amazing place, hm?" Seokmin leans in again and kisses Joshua's cheek repeatedly, feeling the need to show how grateful he was for Joshua's effort.

"Well, I've known about this place for a long time. The village we passed through is the village where I grew up, and this is the place I used to come to as a refuge. It's a special place for me, and I really wanted to bring you here." Joshua shrugs slightly, smiling, and Seokmin could swear he feels his knees turning to jelly.

They gaze at each other for a long time, Joshua tucking a few strands of hair from Seokmin's forehead behind his ear, then tilting his head to the side as Seokmin leans in closer. Their lips meet in a slow kiss initiated by Seokmin, allowing their passion and love to guide their movements as they meld their lips together. Joshua lets out a soft sigh as Seokmin finds his way between his lips and invades his mouth, letting their tongues play with each other. Breathless, they both pull back, their cheeks flushed.

"Let's have our picnic," Joshua says, while gently stroking one of his lover's cheeks.

Seokmin nods and sits next to Joshua on the makeshift stump chair, pulling the boy into his arms and allowing himself to be fed while also taking care to feed Joshua. The hours pass surprisingly quickly when the company of the person next to you makes you feel like you're constantly flying. As the sun begins to set, they start packing up and descend the mountain before it gets too dark and dangerous.

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