ch. 38

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// Joshua;

Joshua delves deeper into the darkness of his past, fueled by determination and love for Seokmin. As he embarks on the dangerous mission proposed by Aunt Isabelle, he finds himself navigating a web of deceit, betrayal, and hidden agendas.

With each step he takes, Joshua uncovers shocking truths about his father's past and the sinister forces that have been working behind the scenes. He encounters dangerous adversaries and must rely on his wits and resourcefulness to survive.

Despite the overwhelming challenges and the constant threat to his life, Joshua's resolve remains unshaken. He is driven by a single purpose: to protect Seokmin and ensure a better future for both of them.

For years on end, time danced around him, leaving its indelible mark on Joshua's very being. Each passing year etched lines of experience upon his once youthful countenance. Amidst the chaos of his dangerous life, a fleeting moment stole his attention – his reflection in a shattered window, a testament to the toll taken by his tumultuous existence. Joshua barely recognized the man staring back at him, a mere shadow of his former self, haunted by the weight of time.

Yet, amidst the turmoil, one constant remained: Seokmin, the anchor to Joshua's storm-tossed heart. Longing, a relentless tide, swept over him, weaving through every moment, every breath, as memories of Seokmin's tender kisses under the midnight sky and the warmth of his touch set Joshua's soul ablaze.

"Josh? We must return to base. Have you secured the funds?" Max's gravelly voice, a symphony of smoke and ash, pierced the silence, pulling Joshua back to reality.

With a nod, Joshua's partner ignited the engine, propelling them once more into the darkness that cloaked the night.

"Lost in thoughts of your beloved?" A gentle nudge from Max stirred Joshua from his reverie.

Max, the lone confidant in Joshua's world of shadows, bore scars both seen and unseen. Their journey together had forged an unbreakable bond, born from tragedy and nurtured through trials. And yet, amidst the chaos, Max remained a beacon of trust in an uncertain world.

"Does he still think of me, even fleetingly?" Joshua's voice trembled with uncertainty, his heart laid bare before his steadfast companion.

But Joshua dared not seek the answer, for fear of shattering the fragile illusion of hope that sustained him. The thought of Seokmin's embrace now belonging to another, of his love lost to the passage of time, was a torment Joshua could scarcely bear.

A heavy sigh escaped Joshua's lips as the van came to a halt, its tires crunching against gravel. "But we still have..." he began, only to be interrupted by Max's outstretched hand, bearing an envelope adorned with promises yet to be revealed.

"Josh, this is for you."

Confusion mingled with skepticism as Joshua tentatively unfolded the envelope, its contents spilling forth like shards of shattered dreams. Photographs, letters, tokens of a love thought lost to the ravages of time, cascaded into his lap, each one a testament to Seokmin's unwavering devotion.

"What are these?" Joshua's voice wavered, his trembling fingers tracing the contours of a love once cherished.

And then, amidst the fragments of their fractured past, a beacon of hope emerged – a surveillance photograph capturing Seokmin's image, pixelated yet unmistakable.

"Max, what is the meaning of this?" Joshua's voice cracked, his heart pounding with a tumult of emotions.

"Your beloved," Max's words hung heavy in the air, laden with secrets long buried. "He has searched tirelessly for you, his love undimmed by the passage of years. It was only a matter of time before his pursuit led him to our doorstep."

"And why have you kept this from me?" Joshua's voice rose, a crescendo of frustration and longing.

"It was too dangerous," Max replied, his gaze unwavering, a silent testament to the perils that lurked in the shadows.

"But for what purpose?" Joshua's desperation clawed at his chest, threatening to consume him whole.

And then, in a moment of clarity, Joshua saw it – the truth laid bare before him, a revelation born from the depths of Max's unwavering loyalty.

"That was your last deal, Josh. Your debts have been paid off. Leave the rest to me. Go home." Max whispers gently, then leans over Joshua, opening the door on his side.

"What?" confused, he wipes his tears with the back of his hand and looks at his companion.

"You saved my life not just once. It's my turn to repay you for taking care of a kid like me. When no one gave a damn about a 20-year-old kid, you were there and protected me all these years. You're free now, Joshua," Max's voice softened, his words a balm to Joshua's weary soul. "It is time to lay the burdens of your past to rest, to embrace the love that has endured despite the trials that sought to tear it asunder."

A torrent of emotions surged within Joshua, his heart torn between disbelief and overwhelming gratitude. For in Max, he had found not only a friend but a brother, bound by ties forged in the crucible of adversity.

"Come, let us depart," Max's voice carried a note of finality, a promise of redemption yet to be fulfilled. "Your journey is not yet over, but the path ahead is yours to tread alone."

With a heavy heart and newfound resolve, Joshua stepped into the unknown, guided by the flickering flame of hope that burned bright within his soul.

Soon all that surrounded Joshua was just the song of crickets. He was alone in the middle of nowhere. Wherever he looked, there was only dried-up grass from the drought and occasional clumps of burnt grass. He starts walking along the edge of the road, dragging his feet and replaying the scenario from a few moments before. Suddenly some powerful headlights almost blind him.

"Who the hell drives with high beams on like this?" he murmurs angrily and continues walking.

But the car stops right in front of him. Already irritated, Joshua raises his arm in front of his eyes to see what's behind those headlights.

"Hey, man. What the hell's wrong with you? Why did you stop like that?"

Joshua hears the driver's door but still couldn't decipher what was in front of the car.

"Hey, don't you hear me? Get off the road and get out of here if you value your life." entering in a defensive mode, Joshua instinctively puts his hand on the knife at his belt.

And then, amidst the vast expanse of the night, a familiar figure emerged, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight.

"Joshua," Seokmin's voice, a whispered caress, stirred the depths of Joshua's being, igniting a fire that had long lay dormant.

"Seokmin," Joshua breathed, his voice a prayer upon the night's gentle breeze.

And in that moment, time stood still, the world falling away to leave only two souls, bound by an unbreakable bond that transcended the trials of fate.

Their lips met in a tender embrace, a symphony of passion and longing, as the universe bore witness to the reunion of two hearts, forever entwined in a love that defied all odds.

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