CHAPTER 18 Mom's Revelation

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Seulgi and her mother had just entered the living room of Red Velvet's dorm. The members sat on the couch, curious to hear what Seulgi's mother had to say.

IRENE: (smiling) Welcome back, Mrs. Kang. Is everything okay now?

SEULGI: (nodding) Yes, Irene, everything is fine.

Seulgi's mother took a deep breath, preparing to reveal a long-held secret.

MOTHER: (addressing all the members) Girls, there's something I need to tell you.

The other members turned their attention to Seulgi's mother, sensing the seriousness in her tone.

WENDY: (concerned) What is it, Mrs. Kang?

MOTHER: (sighs) It's about why I reacted so impulsively when Seulgi came out to me.

Joy, Yeri, and Irene exchanged surprised glances, eager to understand the source of the tension.

SEULGI: (softly) Mom, you don't have to...

MOTHER: (insistent) I need to, Seulgi. When she was younger, she had a special someone.

Seulgi's heart skipped a beat, and she exchanged a quick, anxious glance with Irene, who looked equally stunned but quickly masked her feelings

SEULGI: (whispering) Mom, you don't have to...

MOTHER: (insistent) I need to, Seulgi. She had a special someone, and she was deeply fond of that person. She used to say that she would marry them when she grew up.

Seulgi's cheeks turned crimson as she realized that her mother was talking about Irene. She couldn't believe that her mother had forgotten Irene's name and didn't recognize her. But she was also happy that her mother didn't recognise Irene.

IRENE: (hurt, under her breath) Seulgi had a first love?

Seulgi's mother continued her story, unaware of the jealousy that was growing inside Irene.

MOTHER: (sadly) Well, as Seulgi's mother, I had always held traditional beliefs about family and relationships. When I realized the depth of her affection for that special someone, I was taken aback.

Seulgi's mother reached into her bag and pulled out a small, purple-colored diary. Seulgi's eyes widened in shock as she recognized it instantly.

SEULGI: (whispering) The diary...

MOTHER: (softly) Yes, the diary. It holds the memories of her childhood sweetheart.

Seulgi's heart ached as she saw the faded photographs of a young Seulgi and Irene, their smiles filled with innocence and joy. She desperately wanted to reveal the truth to her mother, but she knew it wasn't the right time. She quickly got that diary from her mother and closed it quickly before her members see it.

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