CHAPTER 26 Supportive Network

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As Seulgi prepared to undergo the surgery that would mark the beginning of her battle against cancer, her mother arrived at the hospital, a pillar of unwavering support for her daughter. The love and warmth in her mother's eyes filled Seulgi with a sense of comfort she desperately needed.

"Mom," Seulgi whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm scared."

Her mother gently caressed Seulgi's cheek, her touch soothing. "I know, sweetheart, but you're strong, and you'll get through this. I'll be right here with you every step of the way."

Seulgi managed a weak smile, grateful for her mother's presence. The surgery was daunting, but knowing her family was by her side gave her the strength to face it.

While Seulgi prepared for the surgery, their CEO paid her a visit, a sense of determination in his eyes. He had been informed of Seulgi's condition and had decided to take a proactive stance in supporting her.

"Seulgi," he began, his voice filled with sincerity, "you're not alone in this. The entire company is behind you. We're postponing any group activities for now, and we want you to focus on your health."

Seulgi nodded, her gratitude evident. "Thank you, CEO. I'll come back stronger."

He smiled, patting her hand reassuringly. "That's the spirit. Red Velvet will always be here for you."

Shortly before the surgery, the CEO issued a statement to the press, informing the public of Seulgi's health condition and her impending hiatus. The statement emphasized that the company's top priority was Seulgi's well-being and recovery, and they asked the fans for their prayers and support during this challenging time.

The news of Seulgi's health issues spread quickly, and fans from all over the world responded with an outpouring of love and well wishes. Social media was flooded with messages of support, and the hashtag #GetWellSoonSeulgi began trending worldwide.

Irene's life had taken a huge turn since Seulgi's health issues had come to light. Her unwavering support for her friend had drawn her closer to Seulgi, but it had also strained her relationship with her boyfriend, Bogum.

As the days turned into weeks,Bogum's jealousy grew, fueled by his perception of the closeness between Irene and Seulgi. He knew that Seulgi had feelings for Irene, and it made him increasingly possessive and insecure. The constant presence of Seulgi in Irene's life gnawed at him, and he began to express his discomfort in the form of frustration and demands.

One evening, as Irene was leaving the hospital after another long day with Seulgi, her phone buzzed with a message from Daniel.

"Are you still with her? When are we going to have some time together?" his message read.

Irene sighed, her frustration mounting. She had been torn between her loyalty to Seulgi and her commitment to her boyfriend. She knew that Bogum deserved her attention and affection, but her heart was consumed by concern for Seulgi's well-being.

She replied, "I'm sorry, Hon. I'll make it up to you soon."

But soon wasn't soon enough for Bogum. He had been patient, understanding at first, but as the days passed, his jealousy and possessiveness grew stronger. He couldn't bear the thought of Irene being more concerned about Seulgi than him.

The constant requests for dates and the growing tension between them weighed heavily on Irene. She loved Bogum, but her bond with Seulgi was unbreakable, especially during this challenging time.

One evening, as Irene sat by Seulgi's bedside, the two friends chatting softly, her phone rang persistently. It was Bogum, calling for the tenth time that day.

Seulgi, noticing Irene's frustration, asked, "Is everything okay?"

Irene sighed, her voice heavy with conflict. "Seulgi, Bogum is feeling neglected because of all this. He doesn't understand why I'm spending so much time with you."

Seulgi frowned, concern in her eyes. "Irene, I don't want to come between you and your boyfriend. You shouldn't have to choose."

Irene looked torn, her loyalty to her friend clashing with her commitment to her relationship. "I don't want to choose, Seulgi, but he's making it difficult. He's been asking me out constantly, and I don't know what to do."

Seulgi reached out and gently squeezed Irene's hand. "Irene, you should talk to him. Explain the situation and how important my recovery is to you. He needs to understand that you're not neglecting him intentionally."

Irene nodded, realizing that communication was the key. She sent Bogum a message, asking to meet in person to talk. He agreed, but the tension between them was noticeable when they met.

They sat in a quiet corner of a cafe, and Irene took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Bogum, I need you to understand how important Seulgi is to me. She's not just a friend; she's like family. Right now, she's going through the most challenging time of her life, and I can't abandon her."

Bogum, his frustration still simmering, retorted, "Irene, I get that Seulgi is important to you, but what about us? Don't I matter?"

Tears welled up in Irene's eyes as she tried to convey her feelings."Bogum, you matter a lot to me, but I need you to be patient and understanding. Seulgi needs me, and I can't turn my back on her."

Their conversation grew heated, the tension between them reaching a breaking point. Bogum couldn't shake the feeling of being second best in Irene's life, and Irene couldn't ignore the guilt she felt for not being able to fully commit to her relationship.

As the argument continued, Irene's heart ached with the weight of her decisions. She loved both Seulgi and Bogum, but she couldn't bear to see either of them hurt. She felt torn between her loyalty to her friend and her commitment to her boyfriend.

In the weeks that followed, Irene struggled to find a balance between her responsibilities to Seulgi and her relationship with Bogum. She managed to spend time with him, but her heart was often consumed by thoughts of her friend's well-being.

Seulgi, aware of the turmoil in Irene's life, did her best to offer support and understanding. She knew that Irene was facing an incredibly difficult situation, and she didn't want to be the cause of any rift in her friend's relationship.

Seulgi who couldn't help but to feel sad that this caring side of Irene is just because of her being sick.

Irene on the other side couldn't find that the feelings and care over Seulgi is whether a friendly affection or more than that. But she is torn between Seulgi and Bogum.

The upcoming chapters will reveal the truth to Irene. We will see the regret of Irene and the Steps taken by her to win her bear.

"Love is not always easy, but it's the willingness to make sacrifices that defines its strength."

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