CHAPTER 25 Seulgi's Condition (Unveiling the Truth)

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The final note of their performance resonated in the air as Red Velvet made their way backstage, the energy of their concert still pulsating through their veins. The members were breathless, their faces flushed with exhilaration and exhaustion. They had given it their all, and the crowd's response had been electrifying.

Seulgi, however, felt the world around her spin as she stepped off the stage. The dizziness she had been battling throughout the tour had intensified, and now, she could hardly control her breath. She leaned on Irene for support, her vision blurring, and her legs giving way beneath her.

Before Irene could comprehend what was happening, Yeri's scream pierced the air. "Unnie! Seulgi!"

Irene's heart raced as she felt Seulgi's body go limp in her arms. Panic surged through her, and she struggled to hold her friend upright. "Seulgi! Wake up!"

The other members rushed over, their faces a mix of fear and confusion. Irene's arms trembled as she tried to keep Seulgi from collapsing to the floor.

Wendy, her voice trembling, cried out, "What's happening? Why is Seulgi like this?"

Their manager, who had been closely monitoring Seulgi's condition, sprang into action. He rushed over, his face pale with worry, and scooped Seulgi into his arms.

"We need to get her to the hospital, now!" he exclaimed urgently.

The members watched in shock as their manager carried Seulgi, her lifeless body, out of the backstage area. Panic and fear rippled through the group, and Irene's heart pounded with dread.

As they arrived at the hospital, the medical staff quickly took Seulgi into the emergency room. The members, their eyes filled with tears and anxiety, paced anxiously in the waiting area, not knowing the full extent of what was happening.

Irene's patience was wearing thin. She couldn't bear the uncertainty any longer. She turned to their manager, her voice trembling with anger and fear. "What is going on? Why is Seulgi like this? Why didn't you tell us?"

Their manager hesitated, his eyes filled with guilt and sadness. He knew he could no longer keep the truth hidden. Irene, as the leader, deserved to know.

Taking a deep breath, he began to speak, his voice heavy with regret. "Irene, there's something I should have told you all a long time ago. Seulgi has stage one cancer. She's been struggling with it for the past months, and we've been doing our best to manage her condition."

The members gasped in shock, their faces pale with disbelief. Irene's eyes welled up with tears as the weight of the revelation settled in.

"Stage one cancer?" Wendy whispered, her voice trembling. "But why didn't she tell us?"

Their manager explained, "Seulgi didn't want to burden any of you with her problems. She was determined to complete the world tour, but her condition deteriorated, and she couldn't hide it any longer."

Tears streamed down Irene's face as the truth sank in. She felt a mix of emotions – anger at their manager for not informing them earlier, fear for Seulgi's life, and heartache for her friend's suffering.

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