CHAPTER 20 Accompanying YERI

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The night was alive with laughter and music as Yeri and Seulgi made their way to Saeron's birthday party. Yeri asked Seulgi to accompany her. Yeri couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Tonight, she had decided to confess her feelings to Saeron, a friend she had been secretly in love with for a long time.

YERI: (anxious) "Unnie, I'm really glad you're here with me tonight. I don't know how I'd manage without you."

SEULGI: (supportive) "You don't have to thank me, Yeri. I'm here for you, always."

As they entered the vibrant party, Yeri spotted Saeron across the room, chatting with a group of friends. She felt her heart race, and her hands trembled. Seulgi could sense Yeri's anxiety.

SEULGI: (encouraging) "Yeri, take a deep breath. You've got this. Whenever you're ready, I'll be right here."

Yeri nodded, steeling herself for the moment she had been building up to. She decided to wait for the perfect time to confess her feelings to Saeron.

Hours passed, and the party was in full swing. Yeri had been dancing and socializing, but the right moment to confess had yet to arrive. She took a deep breath and made her way towards Saeron, who was now sitting alone by the bar.

Yeri's heart pounded in her chest as she approached Saeron.

YERI: (nervous) "Hey, Saeron. Can we talk for a moment?"

Saeron smiled warmly and nodded, gesturing for Yeri to sit beside her.

SAERON: (friendly) "Of course, Yeri. What's on your mind?"

Yeri took another deep breath, her palms sweating as she prepared to reveal her true feelings.

YERI: (hesitant) "Saeron, there's something I've wanted to tell you for a while now. I... I really like you. More than just a friend."

Saeron's expression shifted from surprise to confusion, and then her face softened.

SAERON: (apologetic) "Yeri, you're a wonderful friend, and I appreciate your honesty. But I don't share the same romantic feelings. I hope you understand."

Yeri's heart sank as the reality of Saeron's rejection hit her. She had expected this possibility, but it still hurt. She managed a weak smile, trying to hide her disappointment.

YERI: (disheartened) "I understand, Saeron. Thanks for being honest with me."

Turning away from Saeron, Yeri felt tears welling up in her eyes. She quickly excused herself from the bar and made her way to the dance floor.

Seulgi, who had been watching from a distance, sensed that something had gone wrong. She followed Yeri, concern etched across her face.

SEULGI: (worried) "Yerimmie~~, are you okay?"

Yeri's voice quivered as she wiped away a tear.

YERI: (upset) "I'm not, Unnie. I got rejected, and it hurts."

Seulgi wrapped her arm around Yeri, offering comfort.

SEULGI: (supportive) "I'm so sorry, Yeri. Rejection is never easy, but I'm here for you. Let's get you out of here."

Yeri nodded, and they made their way to the exit. However, Yeri's disappointment had already begun to manifest in her actions. At the party, she began to drink excessively, seeking solace in the numbing effects of alcohol.

Seulgi grew increasingly concerned as she watched Yeri down one drink after another.

SEULGI: (alarmed) "Yeri, slow down. This isn't the way to cope with your feelings."

But Yeri's pain was too overwhelming. She continued to drink, her judgment impaired, and her emotions spiraling out of control.

SEULGI: (desperate) "Yeri, please, you've had enough. Let's go home."

Yeri, however, was in no state to listen. She pushed Seulgi away and stumbled back to the dance floor.

Seulgi knew she couldn't leave Yeri in this state. She fought through the crowd, determined to get her maknae safely back to their dorm.

Finally, after a struggle, Seulgi managed to convince Yeri to leave the party. They stumbled out of the venue together, Yeri's steps unsteady and her eyes glazed over.

Back at the dorm, the other Red Velvet members were waiting, having noticed Yeri's intoxicated state. They bombarded Seulgi with questions, concerned for their maknae.

IRENE: (worried) "Seulgi, what happened? Why did Yeri drink so much?"

Seulgi, still worried about Yeri, chose to protect her friend's feelings and reputation.

SEULGI: (defensive) "Oh, Yeri was just really enjoying the party. You know how she gets sometimes. She'll be fine after a good night's sleep."

The other members exchanged glances but trusted Seulgi's judgment. They helped Yeri to her room and tucked her into bed.

As Seulgi closed the door, she let out a heavy sigh. She knew that Yeri was hurting, and she couldn't bear to see her beloved maknae in so much pain.

The night had taken an unexpected turn, leaving Yeri heartbroken and Seulgi deeply worried about her. As the members settled into their own rooms, they couldn't help but wonder about the unspoken truths that lingered beneath the surface of their close-knit group.

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