CHAPTER 21 Overprotective Unnie

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The next morning, the sun streamed through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. Yeri groaned and slowly opened her eyes, regret washing over her as she remembered the events of the previous night. Her head throbbed with the worst hangover she'd ever experienced. She winced, trying to sit up, but a wave of nausea forced her back down.

As Yeri struggled to come to terms with the throbbing pain in her head and the hazy memories of the party, her fellow Red Velvet members gathered around her, concern etched on their faces.

JOY: (worried) "Yeri, are you okay? You drank so much last night!"

IRENE: (concerned) "Yeah, we were really worried about you. What happened?"

Seulgi, who had been sitting by Yeri's bedside, immediately stepped in to protect her little maknae.

SEULGI: (quickly) "Yeri had a great time at the party, maybe a bit too great. She was just having fun, but I guess she overdid it with the drinks."

WENDY: (still concerned) "But she looks really sick now. Maybe we should cancel today's dance practice?"

Seulgi shot a warning look at Wendy, signaling her to keep quiet.

SEULGI: (firmly) "No, we can't cancel practice. Yeri will be fine once she gets some rest and water. Let's not make a big deal out of this."

The members exchanged uneasy glances but trusted Seulgi's judgment. They reluctantly agreed to continue with their practice schedule.

As they arrived at the dance studio, Yeri's condition had not improved. She felt weak and dizzy, struggling to focus on the routine. Her dance instructor, noticing her lack of concentration, didn't hold back on the criticism.

INSTRUCTOR: (displeased) "Yeri, what's wrong with you today? You're completely off your game! This is unacceptable."

Seulgi, who had been keeping a close eye on Yeri, couldn't bear to see her friend berated in her fragile state. She stepped forward, speaking up on Yeri's behalf.

SEULGI: (defensive) "I'm sorry, Instructor, but Yeri didn't get much sleep last night. She's not feeling well, but she insisted on coming to practice. We'll make sure she gets back on track."

The instructor, though still frustrated, backed off, realizing that Yeri's condition might indeed be due to her hangover.

The other members knew that something was amiss, but they chose to remain silent in front of the instructor. They gave Yeri sympathetic glances, understanding that she was going through a rough time.

Throughout the practice, Seulgi stayed close to Yeri, offering her support and encouragement. She helped Yeri with the steps and made sure she stayed hydrated. Yeri appreciated Seulgi's unwavering care, and it provided some comfort during her painful hangover.

As practice finally came to an end, Seulgi put her arm around Yeri, guiding her towards the exit. The other members followed, still concerned but unsure of how to address the situation.

WENDY: (whispering to Seulgi) "Seulgi, what's really going on with Yeri? She doesn't look like she's just hungover."

SEULGI: (whispering back) "I'll explain later, but for now, let's focus on taking care of her."

Back at the dorm, Seulgi helped Yeri into bed and placed a glass of water and some pain relievers on the nightstand.

SEULGI: (gentle) "Drink some water, Yeri. It will help with the headache."

Yeri nodded weakly, taking a small sip of water. She couldn't help but feel guilty for causing so much concern and trouble for her members.

YERI: (apologetic) "Seulgi unnie, I'm sorry for all of this. I didn't mean for things to turn out like this."

SEULGI: (understanding) "It's okay, Yeri. We all have our moments. Just promise me you'll be more careful next time."

Yeri smiled faintly, touched by Seulgi's understanding and support.

YERI: (grateful) "Thank you, Unnie. I don't know what I'd do without you."

SEULGI: (warmly) "You're like a little sister to me, Yeri. I'll always be here for you."

As Yeri drifted off to sleep, Seulgi watched over her, knowing that there were still unspoken truths beneath the surface, but also knowing that their bond as a group would always be their source of strength and support.

"In the depths of friendship, we find the strength to shield the ones we love from the storm, even when the storm brews within."

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