Chapter 9: Shadowmoon V.S Outer Sailors

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was in Usagi's home and he was sat on the bed and then he was sigh out and he was laying on the bed because Usagi who had a worried on her expression and she was worrying about (Y/N) like what happened back there and then he was look down at her who lay on top of him and she was hugging him tightly.

(Y/N): "Usagi, I'm fine...there's no need to worry about...I was injure little bit but I will felt to be alright now." He said to her.

Usagi: "No, shut up...why didn't you tell me when you have a regeneration ability...and I thought you were die for real." She said to (Y/N) and make him was sigh out little bit and he was put his hand on her back of head and ruffling at her and he sigh then he said.

(Y/N): "Usagi, I was felt lot of pains by stabs, and gunshots on me and I knew lot of pain in me but don't worry I have a regeneration ability to covering me up right away." He said to her and make her sigh out and she turn her head to look at (Y/N).

Usagi: "(Y/N), I don't want you abandoned me like Mamoru...." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Mamoru? Was he your old boyfriend?" He asked her.

Usagi: "Yes...." She said.

(Y/N): "Can't you tell me about him?" He asked her and make her was nod her head and then she was explaining to (Y/N) about her old boyfriend Mamoru about lot of things and then he was sat there and listening for what her say and then (Y/N) just heard about everything 

(Y/N): "I that is why he was break you up...." He said to her.

Usagi: "Yeah....I-" She tries to said and then he hugging her tightly with his arms wrap around her waist and make her surprise and she said.

Usagi: "(Y/N)?" She asked him.

(Y/N): "Usagi, you didn't have to go through like this and I know you have a pain inside at you...and I want to help you. I want to protecting you...." He said to her and make her was surprise heard of it and she said.

Usagi: "(Y/N)...."

(Y/N): "Usagi, from now on...I'll stay beside with you forever and I won't abandoned at you or dislike you....I promise you to that you will feeling happy." He said to her and make her surprise and she smile up and she was pulled him into hug and kissing right away. Then the two of them didn't notice there was Luna who stood outside there and she heard the talking from (Y/N) and Usagi...and it seems she was wrong about him and she thinking (Y/N) was different than any Kaijin monsters for what she seen.

Luna: "*Maybe, I was wrong about him.*" She thought herself and then the cat begin to walking away from here.

Time Skip Later.

At Night.

At Night

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