Chapter 15: Black Sun Reunion With Shadowmoon

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

Usagi/Makoto/Ami/Mina/Rei: "YOU WERE SAVE BY SHADOWMOON THE WHITE KNIGHT?!?" They both said to her who was stood right there with a surprise faces and then they looking at her who was been save by the white knight Shadowmoon. When the girls looking at Naru who was happy and they could seen her had a blushes face with daydreaming about him and make her was definitely fallen love with him...the white knight.

Usagi: "When did this happened, Naru?!" She asked Naru.

Naru: "At night....I was been heading back to my home and then I saw the two monsters are eating the body of the man and then I was rescue by a foreigner man who was save my life." She said to Usagi.

Rei: "W-W-What does he looks like?" She asked Naru.

Naru: "He looks handsome and tall...he had a white hair and beautiful pale skin and his eyes are blue and he was so beautiful and handsome." She said to them and make them both were surprise to heard this and then they both were remembered about (Y/N) told them about he with his friends are Black Sun and Shadowmoon...the two of them compare to be level up with the power of Kamen Riders and they both were stronger and faster also they can beating anything else to destroy.

Makoto: "Okay, so does this guy looks like the other monster?" She asked Naru.

Naru: "He wasn't...he was so gentle and even hug me around and I don't know what to do but I felt scare about what those two monsters did to the poor man and I was seen his true form for what he facing at those two monsters and he...just vanish them away." She said to Makoto and this get the girls who were silence for what they heard about Naru's story for what she said it is true and then the girls were goes back down to their own seats.

Ami: "Naru, are you sure that you are fine with him?" She asked her.

Naru: "I am going to be fine with Shadowmoon...and he seems to be good guy and he was protecting me away from the danger." She said to her.

Rei: "What if he-" She tries to said and Naru was mad and she said.

Naru: "Get your point, girls!!!! I'm tries to seen him again...Shadowmoon The White Knight!!!!" She said to them with little bit to be frustrated and this get the girls were shut up and silent but Naru was outburst and she just apology to them about what happened but she cannot thinking about him...and she was thinking about Alex. When the girls were sat in their own seats and they were thinking about what happened between Naru...and the new vigilante hero who was save Naru's life and she daydreaming about a White Knight.

Usagi: "So....what shall we do?" She asked them.

Ami: "I think we should warn (Y/N)...but he isn't here cause he is looking for his old friend." She said to Usagi and then the girls were thinking.

Makoto: "Do you think Shadowmoon was an enemy for us and (Y/N)?" She asked them and make them thinking and that's a good question and then after they both were done with their school and there was an emergency about their powers.

Usagi: "*What the? What's going on?!*" She thought herself.

Luna/Artemis: "*Girls, there is an emergency!!!!! Black Sun is engaging with Shadowmoon!!!!!!!!*" They both said to them and make them both surprises to heard that and running away to where (Y/N) and Alex is.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was riding his motorcycle and begin to heading out to somewhere else in the city by himself and he was searching for his an old friend and reunion with him and make (Y/N) was drove his bike goes faster and more faster and begin to heading out. Then (Y/N) turn his head to look around for his old friend and he know that motorcycle white with Alex just driving with and he knew that person it was totally him right now and he want to see him then he was drove his bike goes faster and out of nowhere a white blur was passes through at him and make him was surprise and he saw him.

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