Chapter 25: The World's Darkest Rider

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3rd POV:

Back to Alex.

Alex was beating the shit out of Commander Bossgun with his sword 

Sailor Saturn: "*He still getting stronger and more stronger than I seen it*" She thought herself and then Sailor Scouts who were arrive and they both saw Alex with Sailor Saturn fighting at the enemy. When (Y/N) was holding his sword and prepare to fight at Commander Bossgun and then he charge toward at Commander Bossgun and then the two of them clash their swords each others and they both were keep fighting and slashing also Alex didn't felt a pain on his body because Commander Bossgun tries to take him down and too late that (Y/N) slash Bossgun's arm off.

Bossgun: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He was screaming out in pain by his left arm got cut off and make him was screaming and this get Sailor Moon and Scouts horror saw the bloods come out of his arm and make him was screaming.

Bossgun: "MY ARM!!!!!!! MY ARM IS CUT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to himself.

Alex/Shadowmoon: "Shut up." He said and he was running toward to Bossgun with a Rider Punch.

Alex/Shadowmoon: "SHADOW PUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to him and make him was use his fist tries to hit Bossgun in the stomach and then send him to the ground and make him was landing down on the ground and he is breathing out.

Alex/Shadowmoon: "Still alive....huh....well, I'm guessing that I have to use the other finisher move." He said to him and then he was begin to running toward to Bossgun and keep running and make him was keep running and then he was jumped up with his height and make him goes Rider Kick.

Alex/Shadowmoon: "SHADOW KICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and use his finisher move and he was kick Bossgun in the chest and send a powerful blast hit Bossgun and send the motherfucker to the wall and make him was fall down on the ground and then Bossgun was dying and he is barely dying right now. Then Alex was land down on the ground and make him turn to look at Bossgun who was kneel down on the ground and he was gonna die soon with his voice shout out.

Bossgun: "Lord Creation King...Forgives me." He said to himself and then fall down on the ground and blow up right away and after Alex kill Bossgun and then he turn his head to look at the girls who were arrive here right away and it seems they both were seen Alex kill him already and he was turn his head to look at them and then they both are gonna fight. But Alex was about to...but Saturn who was here for him and she doesn't want him to fight them and then he was sigh out and he walking toward to the girl Chibiusa and he get her up and told her.

Alex/Shadowmoon: " can go now." He said to her.

Chibiusa: "O-O-Okay..." She said to Alex and make her was running off to the girls right away and she run to her own mom and then she was jumped up hugged at her and then (Y/N) who was still came here for see what's going on.

(Y/N): "Alex...." He said to himself.

Alex/Shadowmoon: "Soon, we'll meet again." He said to (Y/N) and make him was heading back to his bike and then he was hop on his bike and start the engine of his bike and begin to driving out right away and then (Y/N) was sigh out and he turn his head back to look at Chibiusa who was alright and it seems she was alright and she is breathing out. Then she cried little bit but (Y/N) who hugging at Usagi with Chibiusa and the three of them are worrying but (Y/N) had his own wife and child need to take care and he was keeping the two of them safe away from the danger.

Next Week Later.

When the world was begin to feeling better like there was two heroes who were fighting alongside with each others and that is (Y/N) with Black Sun form and Usagi with her Sailor Moon form and the two of them are the worship of heroes who fighting at these monsters by themselves and they both were fight for the justices and vengeances. Then (Y/N) was become most popular favorite hero and same to Sailor Moon too...and the moon with sun work together as a team and fighting bad guys.

???1: "Hey guys! You heard about what new that you guys are gonna listen?!? We have a new hero who join up with Sailor Moon!!!!!!" He said.

There (Y/N) was...with his girls are in the classroom and Usagi with (Y/N) were sat on the desk by themselves and they both heard about what happened like they heard there was two greatest heroes who were join up and fighting at the bad guys by themselves and it seems it was fun along with each others.

with his girls are in the classroom and Usagi with (Y/N) were sat on the desk by themselves and they both heard about what happened like they heard there was two greatest heroes who were join up and fighting at the bad guys by themselves and it se...

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Gurio Umino.

Gurio Umino (海野 ぐりお, Umino Gurio) is a smart, stereotypical nerd who was a classmate of Usagi Tsukino and Naru Osaka.

He is usually called by his family name "Umino", is a socially-awkward friend of Usagi Tsukino and her best friend Naru Osaka. He is very intelligent, but at some point, he could be arrogant and a bit of a "Mr. Know It All". He was usually the one who kept the others up-to-date on information on Sailor V, the strange crimes and rumors in Tokyo, and on students such as Ami Mizuno and Makoto Kino.

Gurio Umino appears first in the 1st episode. He is usually called by his family name, "Umino." He is a friend of Usagi and Naru, and he attends Juban Public Middle School with them. He is very intelligent and makes excellent grades, but he is also strange and geeky. He often suddenly appears in unusual places, seeming to come out of nowhere. However, he is full of useful knowledge and gossip about secondary characters in the series. He gives the girls additional information about characters such as Mikan Shiratori and Higure Akiyama.

In the 2nd episode, Jadeite's youma possessed him with dark energy, temporarily turning him evil along with a group of other students from Juban Public Middle School until Sailor Moon defeated the youma.

At the beginning of the 1st season, he has a crush on Usagi, although his feelings are unrequited. During episode two, he asks Naru for advice on how to win Usagi's love, but Naru just laughed. Later, Usagi did ask him out one time, but not because she liked him. Rather that was just part of a plan to spy on Rei and Mamoru, whom she got suspicious over. Umino, however, got the wrong idea.

Gurio: "I can't believe this!!!! How comes another hero was join up!!!!! Who is he?" He asked himself.

(Y/N): "You mean Kamen Rider Black Sun...." he said Gurio.

Gurio: "What?! You know about him?!?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Actually I read the newspaper about it...anyway you just gonna find out about it, man. Go ahead about it." He said to Gurio and make him was mind his own business and he was turn his head to look at the window from the building and then (Y/N) just sat there and stare outside from the window.

Usagi: "(Y/N), what's wrong?" She ask (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I don't know...I mean...between me and Alex...are gonna fight each others like when...or how?" He asked her.

Usagi: "Don't say that, (Y/N)....but you still got me and us with you." She said.

(Y/N): "Yeah, you're right about it." He said to her.

To Be Continued.

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