Chapter 4: Black Sun & Sailor Moon Team-up/Bilgenia

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3rd POV:

In Flashback.

There was a little girl who kneel down in the darkness by herself and she was crying and keep crying out about how did she got lost and she lost her own way and she lost her parents because she doesn't know where to go. When she was crying and keep crying out loud at all and she want to see her own parent...this one is familiar and recognize the same as Usagi...this is her past and her real story how did she meet (Y/N).

Usagi: "Mommy....Daddy...where are you two?" She said and then she was sobbing out and keep crying and she said.

Usagi: "I should listen to you when I was going, Mom." She said and crying and keep crying but she was sat there and then until she heard a footsteps coming and sound of footsteps and make her look up and she saw there was a huge bright light make her cover her eyes with her left hand tries to stop the blind at her. Then she was turn her head to look over there and she saw there was a small figure who was walking toward to her like slowly and walking toward to her but she couldn't seen his face because he was living in the darkness like the sun was behind his back.

???: "Hey, what's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked her.

Usagi: "I-I-I got lost and I have nowhere else to go." She said.

???: "Well, that's alright...I can take you to your parents." He said to her and make her was surprise for what she really heard and she said.

Usagi: "Really?" She asked him.

???: "Yeah, I can take you to there..." He said to her and she heard this voice sound like a boy and small boy with same age at Usagi and then he gave her a hand and make Usagi grab the boy's hand and the two of them were get up and Usagi asked him.

Usagi: "What's your name? I'm Usagi Tsukino." She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)....and it is pleasure to meet you, Usagi.~" He said to her with a smile and then the two of them were get along to know each others.

So that's how it and I meet in the Tokyo before.

I still remembered when you and I are kid and we known each other for long, Usagi. Now here we both are and still same level age as we are.

End Of Flashback.

(Y/N): "*Chuckle* That's the end of the story." He said to her and make the two of them were chilling right there and the two of them are in the coffee shop and it seems they both were sat there and they both held the coffee cups and then the two of them were drinking the coffee right away. When these two are having conversation also he could seen her who was blushing up about she with (Y/N) meet together and then Usagi asked (Y/N) like a lot of questions.

Usagi: "So, why didn't you show up?" She asked (Y/N).

Usagi: "I mean why didn't you show up when I was growing up....I don't know how did I recognize at you." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Well, I was been busy like a lot in outside there and turns out I was become a hunter who hunting down the Kaijin...who are goods and evils." He said to her about it and make her was surprise and she asked (Y/N).

Usagi: "Wait, Kaijin are good and evil? What do you mean?" She ask (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Well, I have an ally who were totally fighting each others because we refuses to order from anyone else." He said to Usagi and make her was looking at (Y/N) was confuse more and then he was explaining to her about it and then the two of them didn't notice there was the scouts are here and they both wear sunglasses on and their clothes wear school uniform. When they both turn their heads to look at (Y/N) with Usagi are talking and they both keep talking also Makoto asked one of them.

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