Chapter 13: Black Sun V.S Baraom Part 2

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3rd POV:

Back to Usagi.

Usagi was in her house and she was doing her own homework by herself and she just sat there and chilling little bit and then she was doing her own homework about doing her assignment and she was thinking about (Y/N) and she is fallen love with him. When Usagi was thinking about him like a lot and the two of them are having lot of funs and she want to be with him forever and she doesn't want him to be abandoned at her like Mamoru.

Usagi: "(Y/N) is nice...he's nice to me...very nice." She said to herself and make her was blink with a thought on her head and she was thinking about (Y/N) badly.

Usagi: "*Sigh* I hope he is gonna be alright....and I just want to make him felt happy." She said to herself and she was goes studying more with her own homework right away and when she was sat there and chilling by herself and she heard there was an emergency ringing from her magic over there and make her was surprise and she was got up from the seat and she turn her head to look at it and she was ask.

Usagi: "What the?!? An emergency?!" She ask herself and out of nowhere the door was opened by Luna who was came inside here with an panic on her face and she said.

Luna: "We have a problem!!!!! Kaijin monster was appear on the city!!!!" She shout out to Usagi and make her nod her head and Luna said.

Luna: "One more thing I must forgot! There was Black Sun and Rei there too!!!!! They are fighting at the monster kaijin right now!!!!" She said to her and make her surprise and this getting her nerve about why is (Y/N) there and she is going to get there fast as she could and she is going to help him to battling with the Kaijin monsters right away before he will get his ass killed by one of them. Then Usagi was grab her jacket to putting it on right way and she was moving out to somewhere else and she was step out of the house and then she begin to running out right away and she need to find (Y/N) and Rei before the two of them get kills.

Usagi must heading out and alert her friends about there was a trouble coming right up to and then she need their helps to fighting against the Kaijin monsters right away.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When Mars was fighting at the enemies of Kaijin monsters and she was doing very well back there and she was fighting at them and keep fighting at them with her kicks and fists and she was begin to beating the crap out of these two monsters. Then Mars was finally kick the two monsters to back away and she was use her own finisher move that she is gonna killed the two creatures with her powerful flames to burning at them.

When she use her finger to shoot out her attack at the enemies and make them both got blow up right away and make her was sigh out and she think that's the last of them that she take care about but before she make her own move. Then she got blast on the back by someone else who send her to the ground and make her was get up and she turn her head to look around and she seen something ain't right and she saw there was a hooded man who got a cloak around him by himself and he just stood right there and prepare to attack at her.

???: "I miss...." He said to himself.

Sailor Mars: "Who are you?" She asked him.

???: "Hmmm...." He said and then he was transform into another Kaijin mutant creature have a special power comes from him and he was definitely powerful and then he was already become a monster for himself and make him was stood right there and waiting for her own attack.

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