Chapter 22: Our Future Daughter?!?

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3rd POV:

Back to Crisis Empire.

General Jark: " seems Colonel Dasmader is failed right now." He said to them and make them nod their heads and then they both were thinking about what to do next and then Bossgun asked Jark.

Bossgun: "So general Jark, is it my turn right now?" He asked Jark.

General Jark: "It is you right now, Bossgun. Now go ahead and time to doing first." He said to Bossgun and then the navy commander was nod his head and then he grab his sword with him and begin to heading out right away.

General Jark: "Remember, not fail me." He said to Bossgun.

Bossgun: "Yes, sir." He said to General Jark and then he was walking away from here and begin to heading out to somewhere else and doing his own job is defeat Black Sun and bring him here to let Creation King take the kingstone with him...also Shadowmoon was got his own Kingstone too and then he really need to be facing the other enemies who were come here.

Gatezone: "So what now, General Jark? Shall we wait for our turns?" He asked Jark and make him was nod his head and then general Jark was told them to seat down right away and they both were waiting and doing their own works to create some monsters appear right away and (Y/N) with Alex gonna fight them all by themselves also Sailor Moon with scouts will helping to fight the monsters and enemies.

When General Jark turn his head back to look at his own work and it was amazing and he knew the whole thing that he must do and he had to do more about it and when he was standing right there and he was chilling little bit. Then he must plan something else for what he must do is kill Creation King and soon he will reach the two Kingstones and he take it all by himself and become overpowered demonic monster.

General Jark: "*I'll kill Creation King and took the throne by myself.*" He thought himself and make him was goes back to his own seat.

Time Skip Later.

In Somewhere Else.

When (Y/N) with Usagi are in the park by themselves and then they both were sat there in the seats and make the two of them were chilling by themselves then (Y/N) was sat there with his lovely precious girlfriend Usagi that she was sat beside with him. Then the two of them were sat there and chilling then Usagi was look at his handsome face that she really like him and she want to be with him forever...but she seen Mamoru was forgotten for a long time ago and he never came back and then only (Y/N) who was protecting her.

(Y/N): "It was a good day, wasn't it?" He asked her.

Usagi: "It was, (Y/N)....I think the both of us are gonna sat here and enjoying happily." She said to (Y/N) and make him was chuckle to her and he was turn to look at her and he said.

(Y/N): "Yeah...." He said to her.

Usagi: "I was wondering about the future...between me and you...." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Well, let just say that we are going to get normal life with jobs and have a new family...a wife and beautiful children. So what do you think?" He asked her and make her heard this and she was surprise to heard this cause her face goes red blushing up right away. Then she was daydreaming about (Y/N) with her are in the wedding and then they both marries together and then the two of them become a living husband and wife with the beautiful children.

(Y/N): "*Hehehe, looks like I just break her.*" He thought himself and shook his head to her and he said.

(Y/N): "Usagi, come on...let's take a walk with me." He said to her.

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