Chapter 12: Black Sun V.S Baraom Part 1

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

Rei: "*Sigh* Well, this is alright." She said to herself.

There was Rei and she was dressing up with her own Kimono and she is priestess also she was using the cleaning all everything up on the ground and make her was chilling by herself and she was cleaning all everything up. When Rei was still cleaning by herself and then she was helping her own father's duty and the old man must been busy with lot of everything and when Rei was thinking about (Y/N) and she was thinking at him really good to her.

Rei: "*Huh...he's kind of bad boy...but I learn know much about his story and the power of his own Kaijin...but I don't really blame him*" She thought herself and she was cleaning all everything up by herself and then she heard a footsteps coming right here and make her turn to look over there and she saw her own father and then another person was here and that was....(Y/N)?!?

Rei: "*(Y/N)?!?*" She thought herself

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Rei: "*(Y/N)?!?*" She thought herself.

Rei's Father: "Thank you, young man. I am appreciate that you were helping me back there." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Aye, no problem...I just do care around and helping too." He said to him and then the old man was with (Y/N) made it here and they both turn their heads to look at Rei who was done with her own cleaning.

Rei's Father: "HEY!!! REI!!! Are you done with cleaning?!" He asked her.

Rei: "Yes, I'm done cleaning! Anyway who is that man with you?" She asked him.

Rei's Father: "This is (Y/N) (L/N)...and he is a good gentleman who helping me the pack of the foods from the supermarket...anyway he is here to pray. If you won't mind that you should help him." He said to her and make her nod her head and then (Y/N) was wink at her with a wave 'hi' and then (Y/N) was make her blushes up and then she was shook her head and then she tries to pretend to be smile up. Then (Y/N) was kneel down with Rei and the two of them were kneel down on the ground and praying also Rei asked (Y/N).

Rei: "(Y/N), why are you here?"

(Y/N): "Well, I'm just praying about my parent." He said to Rei.

Rei: "Your parent? Are they-"

(Y/N): "They aren't here....they were gone for long time ago." He said to her and make her heard of it and she was sigh out and she said.

Rei: "I see....well, I guess you want to pray for them went to the heaven?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yes, that's what I want to....anyway I am here to praying and that's it...." He said to her and make her nod her head and then the two of them are praying little bit and when (Y/N) was thinking about the past that he want to seen his own family and friend and then he is abandoned at them...and he was become whatever he is...the reason for what he want to take a revenge toward to those enemies for what they did to him and his family.

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