Chapter 26: Black Sun V.S Gatezone

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was in the house with Usagi and the two of them with the little girl that their daughter Chibiusa and the three of them were sat on the couch chair and they both are watching TV by themselves and then (Y/N) was holding Chibiusa in his arms around her and make him was smile up at her.

(Y/N): " you like it here?" He asked her.

Chibiusa: "It is, dad!" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Hehe....I'm glad that you were loving it." He said to her and make the little girl who smile up little bit and then (Y/N) was love his daughter...she is his child and only child that she was lovely and sweet girl and Usagi was smile at him too.

Usagi: "I'm glad that you were taking care of her, (Y/N)." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Sure it is, Usagi...anyway I'm thinking both of us gonna get marries and then going to get a normal house and doing in normal life. Huh?" He asked her and make her was smile up little bit and she was chuckle little bit and the three of them were sat there for few little bit and they both were sat there and chilling little bit and they both were watching TV like drama movie for Chibiusa really gonna like.

(Y/N): "*Hmmm....Usagi and I have our future daughter Chibiusa...both of us are going to be great...have a great family like this.*" He was thought himself and make him was thinking about the future between him and Alex...the Sun and Moon.

(Y/N): "*So the between me and him that we both want a throne and then I become a monster....*" He thought himself and he was thinking so much and then Sailor Moon had an alarm on her head right now and make her was surprise with gasp.

(Y/N): "Usagi, what's wrong?" He asked her.

Usagi: "The others...are in trouble right now...we have to help them right now." She said to (Y/N) and make him heard of this and he nod his head to her and then they both were heading out right away and find the others and save them away. When (Y/N) with Usagi heard about there was a trouble like something else just hurt them and must be the Kaijin monster was arrive here and make them both are going out right away and (Y/N) with Usagi were got out of the house and carrying Chibusa with them.

(Y/N) was hop on his bike and Chibiusa who was sat behind with him and then (Y/N) was driving his bike going and heading out with his bike can goes speedster and make him was drive his bike going faster to somewhere else in this world. When (Y/N) was narrow his eyes at the road and he had to focus on the road and make him was drive the bike going up there right away and then (Y/N) keep moving fast as he could.

Time Skip Later.

In Somewhere Else.

The Sailor Scouts are dealing with the other situation that they were fighting some monsters who were stood on their ways and they both are fighting at them and when they were keep fighting and then they both tries to take these monsters down. When they were done with it and then they turn their heads to look over there and then they both saw there was an armored man who was waiting for them to be done and he wore a black leather jacket and he had a gun on his right hand and make him was holding it and prepare to shoot at the enemies who stood on his ways.

 When they were done with it and then they turn their heads to look over there and then they both saw there was an armored man who was waiting for them to be done and he wore a black leather jacket and he had a gun on his right hand and make him w...

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