Chapter 17: Black Sun V.S Darom

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

When (Y/N) was with Ami also Makoto who comes along too and the two of them were heading to the library that they both went to reading the books and Ami was basically reading her book also she was nervous and very nervous about her boyfriend who was sat beside with her and then she saw him was definitely handsome and also bad boy...but she could seen those people around here in the library are fear of him...dressing all black like that and this will scares them off but Ami was look at (Y/N) who was bad boy sat right there and chilling little bit.

Ami: "Ummm....(Y/N)..." She said.

(Y/N): "What?" He asked her.

Ami: "I mean why are you sat right there and put your legs up on the table like that?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Well, I can sat here by myself...if anyone had a problem with it? I can talk to them." He said to Ami and make him was wink at her and she was heard this and make her was blushing up right away and she was look away and then (Y/N) with Ami are reading the books right away and make them both were chilling little bit. When (Y/N) was sat there by himself and he just thinking about his best friend Alex who was been quietly and then he had no idea what he tries to do.

(Y/N): "*Alex, whatever it is...I'm still going to find you and prepare to kill you.*" He thought himself and then (Y/N) was turn his head to look over there that Makoto who was outside by herself and she was buying a soda cans for (Y/N) and Ami then she was been bumped into some three idiots over there....thugs.

(Y/N): "Hmmm...." He was growl little bit and make him was get up from the seat and Ami notice at him and she asked (Y/N).

Ami: "(Y/N), where are you going?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Makoto is outside, Ami....I have to help her out." He said to her and make Ami was surprise to heard it and she turn around to look and she saw Makoto was been trouble by those three thugs outside and then she turn to look at (Y/N) who was walk out of the library and make him was walk out there. Then (Y/N) just walk out of the library and he was heading to where Makoto is and then he could seen them are scumbags that he gonna teach them a lesson first for what they did.

Thug 1: "Come on, baby! Why don't we show you good around here!" He said.

Makoto: "Actually no...I have a boyfriend who was waiting for me." She said to them and then this pisses them off about they want her to go with them and it seems the plan wasn't work that way and then Makoto notice (Y/N) is approach at them.

(Y/N): "You heard the lady....Let her go." He said to them and make them turn their heads to look and they both were looking at (Y/N)...who wasn't around here and he was a foreigner and make them both chuckling out and they thinking about what (Y/N) really looks like but this is get them to pisses themselves that they don't know who are they messing with.

Thug 1: "Who are you? You're her boyfriend, huh?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Damn right it is..." He said to him.

Thug 2: "We got her with us! Now do us a favor how about-" He tries to said and then (Y/N) goes front at him and kick him in the nut so hard and heard the crack sound and make him was screaming out in pain by (Y/N) kick him in the nut so hard and heard the sound like that and this make the two thugs were surprise and turn their heads to look and (Y/N) just smirk up.

(Y/N): "Well then...shall we?" He asked them.

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