Chapter 18: Shadowmoon V.S Bishum

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3rd POV:

Previously Of Sailor Moon: Black Sun.

After the defeat of Darom was killed by (Y/N) with his Kamen Rider Black Sun form and then (Y/N) was sigh out little bit and make him was looking at Darom who was breathing and he said.

Darom: "Lord Creation King....F-F-F-F-F-Forgives me...." He said to himself and then he was blow up right away and make (Y/N) was breathing out little bit and the girls stop those monsters and take them out already and make (Y/N) is breath little bit and he was turn his head to look at the girls and he gave them a thumb up.

(Y/N)/Black Sun: "That should take care of him." He said to himself and then he was breathing out little bit and he was gonna fall but Sailor Moon and the guardians got him in their arms and make them both checking at (Y/N) and he was turn back to his human form.

Sailor Moon: "(Y/N), you alright?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I'm fine...I am just tired right now....I should get some rest." He said to them and then they both were dragging him to his bike right away and then he told the girls to get on the bike and then driving away from here. But then there was two figures who were notice the defeat of Darom was definitely death for him and make the two figures must be the villains of Black Sun and they both saw the lower member of Gorgom was been defeat them.

Maribaron: "Huh...seems Darom is defeat." She said.

General Jark: "What shall we do right now? Shall we report to Creation King about what happened?" he asked her.

Maribaron: "No...we got one more person that she will kill him...Shadowmoon." She said to him and then the two of them were stand there and then they both got their chances to leaving right away and then they both have to do something real quick and they will do whatever they want to make Creation King to be happy and the plan cannot be failed when Black Sun and Sailor Moon with the guardians are going to stop the evil plan of their works.

Time Skip Later.

Back to Alex.

When Alex with Naru are in her house and the two of them were sat there and chilling by themselves for what they were doing and the two of them were watching TV by themselves and they both watch the movie for what they want to watch and turns out that the two of them become couples. Then Naru felt an warm from Alex who touching at her and keeping her safe away from the danger what it was coming for her and him too.

Alex: "Naru, there's something that I has to say." He said to her.

Naru: "Sure, what is it?" She asked Alex.

Alex: "I want to protecting you.....I want to protecting you away from whatever comes after me and you....we'll be together." He said to her.

Naru: "..." She was surprise to heard this and make her was calm and she really remembered about what happened to her own boyfriend that she just lost him...and she couldn't save him because the evil force for what they were done. Then Naru was sat there  and make her was sigh out and she said.

Naru: "Okay." She said to Alex.

Alex: "Thanks, Naru." He said to her and make him was smile at her and he was hug her tight little bit but before he was gonna do more and he sense there was an enemy coming up here right away and make him turn his head to look outside and he saw something ain't right. When Naru was notice this and make her was ask Alex about what happened and then she heard his voice told her.

Alex: "Naru, stay here....I'm going to be back for few minutes." He said to her and make her heard this and she was nod her head and then she watching at Alex was got up and grab his white coat and put it on and then he was zip his white coat up to where his neck and make him was begin to running out of the house and he was begin to running toward to where the enemy really is and Alex must seen what's going on right now. When Alex was run to there and make him was stop and he saw there was her...Bishum...the enemy of Black Sun for what he saw her is here and she is here for him.

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